Magnet question


New member
I have the small magnet and I just took it out of the box. It says to clean the magnet part with alcohol and put those little stick tabs on i guess for protection of the glass? My question is do I do it for both sides of the magnets? I would think they would come loose under water? Has anyone used drops of silicone instead? I will use the little tabs that came with it if I know they will stay. Also once I attach the magnet to the glass can I easily slide the whole magnet unit either up or down to place the tunze in the right spot or will I need to pry it off and move it that way?:rolleyes:
The silicon pieces should stick well if the surface is clean, they increase the holding power slightly and dampen vibration, you only need to use them if you need greater adhesion or their is some vibration noise. They do not usually come loose if well adhered, they are just a 3M product that can be readily attained at Frys or Lowes if they do come off. They do make it harder to slide the holder.
The inside part is the one that is most important, on the outside one they do little. The rubber pieces create a pressure point that makes a bit of surface adhesion, I don't fully understand the physics behind it but they tell me it displaces the water into a microfilm and this makes a stronger attachmennt than if you don''t use them, they also reducce the transmitting of the vibrations from the pumps. They are nnot always necessary but if you find the holder slips over time or you get some vibration these should fix it.