Making rocks


New member
Hi all,
For the past few days I have been busy making rocks. Im using the following recipie:

3 parts play sand
1 part shell and coral bits
1 part portland cement
1 part (give or take a bit) water

I mix all that up to a good consistancy then I add 1 part rock salt and stir it in. Then I poke it into a mold that is really just a box of wet play sand.

I've got about 15 made so far and they are looking pretty good - a few caves an arch and some stackables. I should start soaking them tomorrow.

How long do these need to be soaked in water to disolve the rock salt and leach out any bad stuff????

Thanks for the help,
from what I understand you need to cure the rocks for several weeks to get the ph adjusted to that of your saltwater tank.
There was someone on here who made their rock this same way and made a lot of it. She will probably be better help. I think it was grannybj.
Thanks for your reply. I have time to soak them for a few weeks anyway. Still got to build a stand plumb it and such.
Tracy, I did make some rocks for my new 90 last year and like you I made them way ahead of time and just kept changing water about every three days to a week until the tank was ready which turned out to be about 4 months. I have been following a DIY Rocks here on Reef Central...It would take days to read the whole thread since it has split about 5 times but I will PM you the link to it so you can take a look.... Your recipe sounds good...I do know you need to wait to submerge them and just keep them damp for a week to 10 days....most folks do that by putting them in a garbage bag and spritzing them with water daily...then submerge for up to 30 days changing the water every other day to 3 days...start testing PH after 30 days ...On the Reef Central thread, they are experimenting with steam baths and baking to speed the process....interesting reading material if you are actually making rock....Look for a PM ..
Stupid Question:

Is it worth it to make you own (base) rocks, rather than buying some nicely cured Fiji, Pacific or Caribbean LR?

I realize the stuff is Expen$ive, once you talking > 20, 50 or 100#’s, but what is the general opinion / consensus out there about Culturing your own rocks, really?

(IMO it “sounds” like a lot of work.)
Sometimes it is the money alone involved. $9.00 a pound for live rock, or my"free" time and a few dollars, and the "challenge " of doing it for another end.

The case for most of us with DIY bugs floating around in our heads.

Its just the challenge of doing something that you have not done before. Being able to prove "just to yourself" that you were able to do it.

Its the same with building my own stand for my aquarium to match my furniture, but I can buy one close, But I did not build that one.

Its rebuilding that old truck from scratch, and doing most of it yourself or with a close friend or two. It could be cheaper and much quicker in the long run to pay someone else to do it "BUT"
It just aint the same when that ole flat head fires up and you feel that power from that engine "knowing" that you did it yourself"

I can see that making that rock, In that "perfect" shape that fits right where you want it, and it works, and the fish and corals all live there and you see that coraline algae growing on it and "hey I made that rock" as the credit card commercial says , is "priceless".

Aw Hell Granny BJ would you send me that link, I been thinking about putting togather a small tank and I just have not been able to find that "perfiect rock" to build that tank around!!!
Yes making the rocks was worth it to me...I thrive on challenges....I love to prove I can do "it" ...actually only half of the rocks I made actually got in the tank...the aquascape was not what my imagination had painted in my mind. I have stockpiled another supply of materials to do some filler pieces ...just cause I can.. are so right....and look for the link...
Okay thanks.

There's the Pro. Anybody for the Con?

Are Homegrown rock porous enough to generate the desired bacteria / Bio-filter??? (Because truly, isn't THAT what you're buying with LR?)
i tried it once but the time involved and knowing i am so impatient lol well it is not for me. With so many deals out there from people getting out of the hooby 2-3 bucks per lb of well established live rock, it was an easy decision.
But like someone had mentioned, it is one of those things where it is more the challenge of being able to do it than the cost factor.
Thanks for the link GBJ,

Wow that was a long read but really pretty basic stuff. It has peaked my interest and I do think I will give it a try one of these days in my "spare time" to try and make what I want for this small tank I am looking to set up.
WOW thanks for the read - a long one for sure - I'm running outside now to take all the rocks out of the water! I started soaking them yesterday. Some only 3 days dry time. I'll wait a week before I start soaking them again.

Hopefully they will turn out ok. I can't tell you thank you enough - I would hate for all this effort to be wasted.
