Mangrove tank

Thanks everyone, exciting times for sure. I thought I would give you a quick update on a couple trees.

My sexy orange mangrove's new branches are forming nicely, with one of them nearly ready for its second set of leaves.

My R. apiculata's branch is also progressing. Soon I will bend it in a manner similar to the American reds.

I'm removing my mangroves that had been doing incredibly well due to dosing NOPOX and also changing aquascape.

Could the mangroves be planted in soil (or something less expensive than miracle mud) and left to grow in a pot like a normal plant, near a window?
Just another day, soaking up some rays under the LEDs.

Hey Sam,

Have looked at your posts on mangroves and really thinking about adding these to the back of my 20g frag tank with some miracle mud. This tank is also connected to my main display 120 gal tank and 30 gal+ sump.

Any thoughts?
Hey guys it's been a long time, sorry about that. Life is busy yada yada. Anyway, here is one of my orange mangroves (Bruguiera cylindrica) that I'm growing outside of the tank. It has taken on the characteristic knee roots of orange mangroves so that is pretty cool. I hope all is well with everyone. I'll try to get more pics up soon!


Root flare - knee roots
Thanks Michael, the tank at this point is just a home for the trees. Lost a couple in the move, but most are still doing well.

This is my black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) that I collected from seed in Florida in 2014. It has put on new growth recently and is looking quite healthy
