Mangrove tank

R. apiculata progress

B. sexangula has new branches! First branches I've gotten on an orange so far! Looking forward to the first baby leaves!

Beautiful pics, Sam!

You've made learning about mangroves very entertaining! Will you see an uptick in growth in the spring?
Thanks Michael! I'm not too sure about the spring, probably not Much change unless i put them outside!

I adjusted my blue LEDs so they pointed up instead of into the tank, so it's less bright. I like it much better now, and so do the fish. I've even been leaving it on during the day!

Looks very nice! Such an interesting plant, with the round air sacs(?). I'm sure there is a better, more sciencey word for them. It kind of reminds me of a golden christmas tree! And yet another awesome pic!

I love all the plant choices you've made-it sets your tank apart. Bravo!
Thanks Michael, I think I received a pretty fine specimen! Air sacs probably would be an accurate word for them, I've also heard them called air bladders. They function to keep the plant upright.

Along with the Sargassum, I decided to try my hand with some ulva lettuce, I've got it wedged in the rock, we'll see how it does.

I had ulva, very early in my tank's life, and it did well. It grows fast! When I added a bunch of saltwater ghost shrimp, they gradually devoured it. It's an excellent export medium, and herbivore food. It looks cool too!
It was decided today that I will be moving to New York this summer to begin my studies as a graduate student. Plant science and biotechnology! During this move, I plan on upgrading to a larger tank, possibly 80 gallon shallow rimless. Cheers!
