Manjano anemones

I had one piece of lr that had 3 little ones on it. I covered it in kalk paste for about 5 days in a row and that was the last i saw or heard of them.
I have a problem with Mojanos also. I heard that the racoon butterfly will eat them up, along with lots of other stuff that you would not want eaten. Otogi, what else will the threadfin eat?

I had about 10 or so when I put my tank together and Rogger said "kill those things now" I did not do it right away and then forgot. I probably have 100 now.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12064654#post12064654 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chloe1
Did you have the rock out of the aquarium or did you do this while it was in the water?

While it was in the water. Just took some kalk powder and a few ml's of tank water and made a thick paste. Then just shot it on the majano with a small syringe. Wiped out the majano within a week.

Worked much better on the majano's than my same attempts to kill aiptasia!
I had a lot of mojos and then I brought a double saddleback and a declivis butterfly's in the tank apparently one or both of them ate them because I can't find one single one in my tank, But I never saw neither one eating one so I can't say for sure that they did it.
rogger castells the tank you had the butterflies in where there corals in there and did they bother the cdoral?
They do but this particular kind of butterflies are not exclusive coral eaters so I really don't see much of an impact in the corals specially the sps's, I keep the tank well fed and both them love pellets and my prepare foods. The double back BB did kill an open brain coral at the begining.
Also, I use to have a black back BB that did a job on my last fish tank, he was exclusively a coral polyp eater, and he DID, I highly recommend to stay away from this type of bb.
my Threadfin is also a fan of Aiptasia I haven't had him very long he is in with my angels which also seem to have a taste for the Mojanos and Aiptasia. Keep in mind I have a FOWLR system so I am not really concerned with what else they will eat from my rocks, I wouldn't trust any of my fish in a reef. I think they would feast on everything.

I have read that one of the best butterflies that will definitely eat your Mojanos and Aiptasia are pearl scale butterflies which are supposedly one of the much safer butterflies for a reef tank. Big Al's had 2 of them about 1.5" when I went there this past weekend.

When I go to my LFS they have random very nice LR scattered around in different tanks and some have Aiptasia on them so no one will buy them. So I buy them for a much reduced price put in my tank let the fish eat and get a clean beautiful piece of LR for nearly nothing.
I have majono real bad in my 150 and am considering a butterfly. I have a large anemone and clams, and would like opinions on which would work best at getting rid of the majono but not my clams or nem?


Here is Rogger's Double Saddleback hard at work. I got him last night just as my lights went out. I have already seen him picking at some mojanos this morning, oh yeah.......I forgot to mention I saw him picking at some Zoas too. I guess I can always buy more Zoas, but I cant pick out 100 Mojanos.


Here he is cruising by those delicious red Gorgonian polyps.

Rogger said that this guy did not bother his clams, I hope he ignores mine as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12065804#post12065804 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk
While it was in the water. Just took some kalk powder and a few ml's of tank water and made a thick paste. Then just shot it on the majano with a small syringe. Wiped out the majano within a week.

Worked much better on the majano's than my same attempts to kill aiptasia!

I had 12 in my tank... and I did the same thing sufunk did and they are gone....

I went from 6 - 12 in about a month....

Good luck...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12064571#post12064571 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk
for about 5 days in a row and that was the last i saw or heard of them.

Wow, I didn't know they spread so fast i have one i put Joe's Juice very 3 to 4 months, aways comes back will now do the repeat treatments. Thanks,
This fish is amazing. I just went back to the tank to check on the mojano eating progress and I am happy to say, that there are less than half of what I had last night. I don't know if he ate them or if they know he is there and are experiencing SHRINKAGE. If Rogger is smart he can rent this fish for big bucks. I will keep him for a few days after they are all gone just to make sure he is eating the ones behind the rocks also. The corals don't show any obvious signs of being messed with....yet.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12137846#post12137846 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invertigator
This fish is amazing. I just went back to the tank to check on the mojano eating progress and I am happy to say, that there are less than half of what I had last night. I don't know if he ate them or if they know he is there and are experiencing SHRINKAGE. If Rogger is smart he can rent this fish for big bucks. I will keep him for a few days after they are all gone just to make sure he is eating the ones behind the rocks also. The corals don't show any obvious signs of being messed with....yet.

The problem with this solution though, is that the fish can't get all of them, not the ones tucked into the nooks and crannies. Unfortunately it looks like you might have to "rent" once every year or two because they'll come back unless you get back on top of nuking them. even then, there will always be one in the shadows spreading them again. It's almost impossible to get them once they're spreading.

Either way I'm glad to hear that the fish is eating them, and I wish you and your corals luck :)