Mantel question about Tridacna maxima


New member
I just purchases a 5" Tridacna maxima Super Ultra Clam. The question I have is I have placed the clam in my sand bed about 18" -20" below my 250watt MH and VHO's... The clam has been in my tank 1 day. How far is the mantel suppose to open on the Tridacna? What does the clam depend on when it comes to opening up fully? ALl my perameters are awesome? Any suggestions would help greatly
I have found they take around a week to open well and my overlap the shell around 3/4" to 1". I have a 6" and 4" maxima that open about that much over the shell. They like light and indirect flow. Mine open up really well after I dose DT's phyto.


The clam has been opening very well after a week in the tank it overlaps the shell about 3/4" I also dose DT & reef solutions.
Sounds good and the longer he is in there the more likely he will be to open up a little more...

Good luck...
