Mantis - back from MIA?


Premium Member
In my 20 gal office tank, I have 2 Clowns, 1 Royal Gramma and a Mantis Shrimp (courtesy of TBS).

For months, he was very active. All of a sudden, two weeks ago, he goes AWOL. Totally missing. Never comes out at feeding time (used to ALWAYS run out from hiding to grab a flake, and then run back in). Didnt see him diggin. NOTHING.

So I thought - maybe he's molting or something. FYI, he's fluorescent green in color.

Time passed, and I assumed he was dead. This morning, I came in to work and saw him! He looks a bit larger, and seems to be sporting a large left, hooked thingy (spear?).??

Glad to see he is alive, but what is his new thingy?
Without seeing the animal, I'm only guessing, but it sounds to me like the animal molted unsuccessfully and has a deformed raptorial appendage. This is fairly common in animals kept in aquaria. If the appendage is totally non-functional, the animal will probably tear it off and start the long process of regenerating it. Otherwise, it will probably lose it during the next molt.
