Mantis bother a Abalone?

I would expect an abalone would be fair game. I have lost a handful of chiton over the last few years to some of my smallest mantis shrimp.
It depends on the size of the ab and of the stomatopod, but the answer is a definite yes. If you are talking about a 2 inch tropical ab such as the ones sold for "clean-up", O. scyllarus love them. At about $20 each, they are expensive food. I know because one of my O s. broke through a plastic egg crated partition and ate three. Even a 3 inch G. chiragra has no problem dealing with an ab this size.

Even big abalone are not immune. We occasionally find abalone shell outside Hemisquilla burrows. A 9 inch Hemisquilla can easily handle a 4 inch ab.
