Mantis in Miami, Fl for SALE


New member
Please help me get rid of this Mantis before, well you know. $20.00 dollars plus shipping and he is all yours. I accept credit cards and checks. I have a high rating on Ebay. You can call me to finalize any deal. Just reply first.
i wouldn't be too hurt supernip.....personally i think 20 bux for the mantis he's sellin is a rip could get a peacock for that much....wait around someone will be giving one away sooner or later
I know but I wanted a red mantis.... :mad: Or an orange or maybe a blue one if there is such a thing. If you can, help me out assassin! TIA:lol:
if you can wait im sure you can find someone giving one away, or if you sells the same species i think miami is selling.....neogondylactus wennerae for 8.95 plus shipping.....they vary in color, and can change color when they you mighta paid 20 bux for a red one and then have it go into a molt and come out brown...
Sorry Supernip

I went away on vacation and stayed longer than planned. Thank god for tank babysitters. If you can find one cheaper more power to you. I don't want to "RIP YOU OFF" like ***-a-sin said. Let me know.
Can you post of some pictures? or can you show me that it doesnt molt and change colors? I would really like a red/orange/yellow one. I have a tank set up and everything. Thanks


hey!how r ya!?i hafta say i totally agree with silent assassin on 20 bux being 2 much 4 that mantis shrimp there r plenty of ppl willing 2 give those away 4 free and only charge u shipping and as assassin said u can get a peacock mantis for the same price plus shupping and this miami guy is trying 2 sell u a mantis that would normally be free or no more than 10 bux paaaaleeeease u need 2 really becareful when dealing with certain ppl and infact if u would like i have a good friend i can talk 2 4 u who may be able 2 get u what u r looking 4 for just the cost of shipping good~luck


I think your remark about silent assassin was totally uncalled 4. From what i understand the meaning 4 this board is 2 give ppl advice and suggestions. Assassin was simply trying 2 help a person out. NOT trying 2 be "a ***** ***" as u put it. 2 be honest i wouldnt do business with u even if u were giving the mantis away for free and paying 4 the shipping. i think maybe u should learn 2 conduct yourself in a better manner.and taking advantage of ppl that r new 2 this hobby is totally wrong do u not have morals?
Re: miamivette

Re: miamivette

silent_starr_99_2000 said:
I think your remark about silent assassin was totally uncalled 4. From what i understand the meaning 4 this board is 2 give ppl advice and suggestions. Assassin was simply trying 2 help a person out. NOT trying 2 be "a ***** ***" as u put it. 2 be honest i wouldnt do business with u even if u were giving the mantis away for free and paying 4 the shipping. i think maybe u should learn 2 conduct yourself in a better manner.and taking advantage of ppl that r new 2 this hobby is totally wrong do u not have morals?
ok heres where i say, "lets not let things get out of control, so just let it go and be the bigger person".. then you say "ok" and do just that. an argument over a mantis shrimp is pointless..


ok drew i totally agree with u i just wanted 2 state my opinion on what was posted i wasnt even gonna say anything further about it and u r right its pointless:)
LOL! It's only a rip off if you're not willing to pay it. Even a free one costs me a fortune to ship it to this little town. And I certainly can't get any kind for less than $20.
calm down guys.... I'm fine, thanks for asking too. I havent bought it yet cause it wasnt the color I wanted. Looked green to me. I think I can always wait on it or buy some harlequin shrimps. I really like mantis shrimps though but yeah 20+shipping is a lot.


hey!how r ya!?i would just like 2 say how sorry i am about the post i made. i was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong! and u were so incredibly right! silent assassin IS A ***** ***!!!!will u ever 4 give me miami?