Mantle 'peeling in' on maxina ?!?!


New member
HI all. I hope I am just panicking here. I have a purple maxima (about 3 inches). I is situated about 10 inches below the lights (Power compacts from Custom sealife). The tank is 55 gl. This was my first clam. I now have another small maxima and a Derassa (both those are ok)

I have had the clam since December (about 5 months now) and the color is doing great and everyting. Except, tonight, the mantle on one of the 'ridges' seems to have fallen in, like if someone peeled it in (think of a hand with one finger curled in). I know this happened over a couple of hours 'cuz it looks fine when I got home.

Has anyone else seen this type of injury? How serious is it?

Thanks for any help.

I have seen this injury on one of my Maximas before...don't know if it was stress induced or what...but it rapidly recovered after a few days and looks fine now.

Bad new, found p. snails

Bad new, found p. snails

Well, I think I found the cause. I found pyramidelline snails on the clam. About 10 of them. Also, I can see the gills while looking though the byssal opening, which I think should be water tight.

Oh well....

Maybe there is still hope..
