Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System

Bubble Size in the neck very small, and gentle moving when skimmer was filled.



Finally, cleaned up the mess, temporarily mounted the air pump, plumbed input from the overflow,and output to the sump.
It has about 1200-1500 gph of raw overflow water flowing through it right now, seems to be ok at that.

All in all, in extremely pleased so far with the upgrade...with the exeptions of a few hiccups i have to work out.

I would guess that its relativly close in power consumption, as the 11 gallon quad beckett that it replaced.

Now i just have to dig up a little motor for a self cleaning head and ill be happy :).

Thanks all, Marc.
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Impressive to say the least!!!!:eek2: :eek1:

I hate to see what you would build if your Ca Reactor wasn't keeping up..:D
I thought I was doing good just being a copy cat on tank design. You are in a league by yourself. What a creation. What's next....vacuum bagging a 1000 g?
My hat is off to you.
Thanks guys !,

Del, i actually looked at getting this tank Vacume bagged/
It was pricey, but i actually wish i did now i could clean the back and side better.

Forgot to show how it was plumbed from the overflow, a direct 2" line.


I think i got an even finer bubble with three layers of gutter gaurd,(can tell better in the reflection on the bottom of the cup) but im hoping the pumps dont overheat...they seem alright so far today.


Hey, that means i can officially change the title !
Im in with the 1k club now !...Isnt there a biscuit or something for that ? :D

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In this image...


You have a clear tube with some black graduation marks. Is that to set the water level within the skimmer?
Yes, i wanted to see the water level, and without the acrylic main body it was needed.
Thats what i had intended those lines for, but with impellar changes, it needs some new ones marked lower on the tube, the water lines about 5" below that in the pic.

It has leveled out about 2" higher, and is holding that height now.
That is what I was thinking, that the lines were too high up. We all know how skimmers can overflow and if the water was really riding that high in the body, I could forsee how the cup would fill up and overflow (down the drainline) quickly.

Perhaps you could use black orings on the outside to basically set them to the range you prefer. Maybe red ones for the low and high, and black for the sweet spot?
What supports the bottom of the skimmer? I assume there must not be pressure on any of the lines below. How did you connect the two halves, fiberglass/epoxy on the exterior?


The bottom is supported on an epoxied wooden base, with cut-outs for the lines.
There is pressure on the lines below, but bulkheads work fine here.

The two halves were tacked with a small strip on the outside, to be removed later.
then the window openings were cut out and overlapping strips were laid on the inside.

what material did you use for the windows and how thick was it. i am completely awestruck with your skimmer!!! did you use epoxy resin or polyester? and the black coating is a two part epoxy paint right?
Bet that was fun finessing the strips through some holes. You must have some long flexible arms. How much time do you estimate you invested while creating the skimmer?

You and weatherson are hands down the best DIYers I've seen on the net.

I have been looking at this since the beginning and even have pictures on my comp.

Your tank is extremely nice and the aquascaping . . :eek1: I am going to emulate that into my tank build currently. Open space and plenty of open bottom. I likes!
That is one of the most interesting skimmers I have ever seen built. Very original going with fiberglass. I have read through your thread a couple times and the amount of thought you put in to this set up really shows. Great job.
Incredible. I smell commercial work here. I am sure some of the skimmer manufacturer's are smelling the same thing.

Very nice work. :)
You my friend are a damned MACHINE! :hammer:

I love your no BS planning this and that, just the finished pics, like you did the whole thing in an hour!:D

BTW, You have true DIYers hands- "Must... work.. through.. the ..blood..."

How thick is the body? And what silicone did you use for the viewing panes? Glass or acrylic?