Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System

I am NOT going to any more A.A. meetings that's for sure. The last one I was at, I sat in the back row, and the guy next to me pulled an Oregon Tort out of his pocket, no bag, water or anything, and asked me if I had any Duncans on me.
yeah Fudge, like when I go to my brain injury support group, look around, and realize I am one of them...
Wow...Marc you are INSANE!!! My girlfriend could fit inside of your skimmer! How do you find the time to build everything your self? Your engineering skills are outstanding! I wouldnt even know where to begin building any of the things youve shown in this thread!! Way to go man, I am truly impressed!! Oh, and congrats on TOTM!
Just awesome.

I can't even begin to touch what you've done, but you did inspire me to build my own PVC supports which I made CL spray bars.

I knew the first time I saw those supports it was a future TOTM. About time. :D

Thanks for the inspiration. Your tank is awesome.
Fudge, I have a question for you about your skimmer cleaner.
If you tilted the squeegee away from the direction it is turning instead of straight up and down, wouldn't it start to push the crud it's wipping off up and possibly over the neck? / instead of |
Never having made one I don't know if something like that would work, or if it even really matters much.
I had no idea that a DIYer could get to this level. Being new to this great hobby and a DIYer, I wanted to thank you for the inspiration you have provided. You have shown me what is possible and you have truly provided me with direction for my long-term goals. Thanks


Marc is a huge inspiration with his DIY projects. If you end up doing the same, be sure to post a thread here that we can follow as well.
Hi, Just curious on what you used for the "view" of the aquarium. Acrylic sheets or glass? I am planning to do a similar project to this, so any help would be great!

this thread does not do justice for seeing it in real life. his system is by far THE best i have ever seen. my tank was completely influenced by his. good job buddy. as far as updates i dont mean to speak for him but he is extememly busy right now and let me tell ya the tank rocks.