Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System



Heres my porthole nano tank.
Smaller scale but same idea.
Yours looks great! Good luck.

I didnt quite get what you meant by framing it on the wall, but ill take a stab at it.
The tank was built to hold the pressure without the wall in front of it, so it was simply butted up to it.
The corner between the viewing panes was structural, and had to be left in thats why the view couldnt "wrap around".
After it was tentativley in place the sill was extended to meet the glass.
The sill ended up being a little wider than i had wished, but it was for a good reason. I kinda like it now being that wide, its a better beer holder ;) .
The header over the big window wasnt a structural wall, so it only needed to carry its own weight.

Thanks alot, It means alot when it comes from someone who`s tackled a similar size of project.
BTW, very, very nice work on yours....I read through it all several times.
Fire away if you have the questions :) .

Honestly it would be hard to guess as to how much i have saved.
I do have 75% of the reciepts still left, though they are well hidden from the wife :) ..and they still add up to far too much.
If i had to guess i would say, all combined... more than half.

Thanks Ohio and danferd, the aquascaping is never quite finished...but im getting closer.. i just need some more SPS to jam in the holes that i can still see the pipework. :D

Very nice work agfahy !

Heres a couple more of the canopy as it was being built.

The reflectors were installed with an opening off the back of each MH bulb for heat exhaust.

Then another sheet of aluminum was placed overtop, so the canopy heat could be directed to a single exhaust and then directly vented outside.
(the hole for the exhaust hadnt been cut in the top sheet yet.)

Heres the inline fan and rubber boot that i had mounted, so when i opened the canopy, i didnt have the whole exhaust hose opening with it.

Open :

Closed :

This inline fan runs 24/7, but there is an additional 500cfm squirrel fan on a dehumidistat for the room.

By treating the heat and humidity on different levels, my hopes were in the winter i can recover the heat by simply directing the heat from the canopy back into the room, and treating humidity independantly with the other fan.

I have yet to see a winter with it ,we shall see how that worked...

There were 2x15 amp circuits ran for the canopy alone, each of these feeds 3 plugs mounted to the canopy top.


I did this becuase i didnt want a ton of cords stringing across when the canopy was opened, it will be only the two mains.

I have to replace most of my timers with digitals yet, so it maintains times when and if i do unplug the mains, but you get the idea.


Here is the tracking that was used for it.

I had changed my mind on how it was to be slid into the next room, so these were exchanged for 12' ones, but of the same type.

They are Barn door sliders, and are rated at about 100 lbs per wheel.

This is of it sliding through the wall.


The opening is covered by a door that is also on its own wheels, so that when the canopy is pushed through it just hits the door and slides that open aswell.

Fuge, incredible work there you have. When I asked how you framed the front, I mainly wanted to see how the front looked on the wall. Now I saw a few pictures I am impressed.

I had an in-wall tank with a fish room behind built two years ago. It seems more and more people are using such design which has the most potential to showcase the reef tank.

I really like the reefscaping you have, if you can show us a picture or two from the front of the tank, with rocks in the tank. One biggest advantage IMHO with an in-wall tank is you can custom-make the tank as deep (front to back) as possible, that will give a true underwater depth that we usually can only see in natural reef diving photos.

Most tanks with limitation at the tank width, somewhat lack 3-D visual impact. Of course you will have to get used to working with the size of the tank in the future. I would even consider building some ramp on top of the tank for easy access if possible. Even though I see your rock work is somewhat permanent, believe me people like us will never stop tweaking things around, including reefscape, long after the tank is established.
The attention to detail here is great. I think you answered a few of my questions and am really just taking it in at this point. I really think that as time goes on you should detail various steps in the building process. There is a ton here for people to learn from! Again, great job!
Wow Marc, I am speechless as well. I followed your link from Canreef to here, I had no idea you had such an awesome tank! Any affiliation with Jamie Cross? :)

Way to represent the Canadian reefers! If only we could get our hands on some of the corals that the US can get! :p
A bit of an update...

A bit of an update...

Thanks all !


It was far more cost effective, when all the qualities that i wanted to see in it were taken into consideration.

Dirty Reefer,
Thank-you, oh Jamie ? Yeah, He`s my lil sister. :D

Heres a few more of the aqua scaping using the tabs and pvc, I know theres not much in it yet...but im sure it wont take too long.

I wanted to keep the rock at a minimum in this tank, to provide a more open Bonsai approach to decorating.
This is the right hand end of tank.



This is of the left hand arch, this one was the fun one to build, as its only supported on one end.



This is a fantastic tank so far. Now that I see the rockwork on the PVC, I love it even more.

Plus your thread gave me an idea for my 280g that has been bothering me for months. Thank you for that!

Just so you know, you are helping maintain the high standards that all Marc's around the world endeavor to maintain. ;)