Maricultured colony id/progress


I purchased my first two maricultured colonies that came in from Bali to my LFS about 3 weeks ago. The first picture is of the first day I had it. Second picture shows some new growth in the tips. Anyone have any idea how likely it is, maricultured corals in general, to maintain or change color? Also is anyone has an idea what kind of acropora this is it would be appreciated?

Will try to post some pics of the second colony shortly.


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Looks like a validia or Nana. Those normally come in with white in the branches and nice colored tips and end up looking like an average validia. Your colors look about right for what it will stay. Should color up better with good light and water.
I work at a fish store that deals with mari sps. It's hit or miss, with these pieces. They can also take a very long time to color up, as in a year or more.

Be patient, give it lots of light after acclimation and keep your params stable.
Thanks for the replies. I was thinking it looked similar to my tricolor in my other tank, but the base color looked different to me, although im partially colorblind lol.

This is the other colony I got at the same time. First pic is when I got it (cut it off the rock it came on, inadvertently making two smaller frags with it) and the second pic is from today with one of the frags in front of it. Any ideas on this one?

On a side note, is there anything in particular one would look for when buying maricultured acros?


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Kevin, I have never had trouble coloring up maricultured acros. Maybe one or two from each box are hard to color up but that's certain species. Most of the time it takes a month or two for them to color and start growing. I always hear people say it's hit or miss but that's not my experience. I believe people hear this statement and just state it as fact afterwards. A lot of the local fish stores in my area do not have the right conditions or setup to keep colored sps and grow them. They are set up just to keep them alive and sell them as fast as possible.

Xkon I will post my suggestions for picking wild and maricultured acros when I get off work.
Another thing that makes people think they don't color up is they always come in pale and sometimes a little bright neon colored from stress. Some people think that's how they should look and don't understand that they change color when aclimated into an aquarium. Even if they aren't pale almost every piece will end up looking completely different in terms of color shades on the body of the coral. Colors will change, specially one without intense lighting. The trick is to understand what turns to what and what certain types of acros will look like in the end.
I recently bought a maricultured tabling acro (no idea of species) that has gone from pale cream polyps with bluish tips to a vibrant deep blue with reddish polyps in about a month. Came with an acro crab to boot.