Marine Depot Credit Card Info


New member
Has anybody noticed that when you buy something online from Marine Depot, that your credit card info is being kept? A couple of weeks ago, I bought some things for the first time after they went to the new website and entered my credit card info as I have always done. I've been buying from them for years. The second time I bought something, under "Payment Method", I clicked credit card and it has a drop down list. The choices are, use a new card or V-*******my last four numbers (recent). I click my card and all the info automatically fills in. Card number, exp month/year and CCV. There is no check box in case you do want to save your info. There is no way to delete this info either once it has been entered. Not on the checkout page or under My Account.
I called customer service and eventually my credit card info was removed. I don't store my credit info online and really don't like it stored without my permission. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this.
