Marineland Stealth Heater could've killed me!


Active member
Scary story and a darn good reason to always be careful with the electrical aspect of our tanks (if you've seen my other thread about GFCI, this is why I posted my last post on that thread).

My sister-in-law calls me today:
Breaker fish tank runs on tripped and tank smells like something is burning. All fish are dead.

I go over to check things out. Sure enough, the burning smell was strong, but I can't tell where it's coming from.

I reset the breaker and everything works fine. I take all the dead fish out sticking my hands in the tank in the process. No problem.

A few minutes after I'm done removing fish, breaker trips again.

Clearly, something electrical was going on. I didn't have my multimeter with me so I couldn't test the water.

I turn all the devices off and reset the breaker once more. One by one I turn each piece of equipment back on waiting about 5 minutes between each device. I assumed that once I turned on the faulty equipment, it would trip the breaker.

Unfortunately, that did not happen.

Check the return pump - nothing. Check power heads - nothing. Everything working fine. No exposed cables.

Next piece of equipment to check - the heater. And so, I grab the stealth heater - I literally was thrown backwards. My wife who was next to me says my eyes went to the back of my head. My arm actually went into convulsions for a few seconds. And the pain was intense.

I'm guessing the reason I didn't feel the stray electricity before actually grabbing the heater was because of the grounding probe in the tank.

After recovering from the shock, which only took about 2 minutes, I unplugged the heater and removed it. The following picture shows what I found.


I'm guessing that the crack seen here happened today causing a huge electrical leak into the tank. And well, into my body. I guess the current flowed right through that crack.

When I took the heater home, I dumped it in my sink and checked the stray electricity with the multimeter - a range of 75v-100v running through the water during several tests.

I will post some videos tomorrow of the smoke bubbles the heater causes (hence the burning smell) and the crazy buzzing sound it makes.

After doing some quick research I come to find out there is a recall on these stealth heaters since 2011. I had no idea. However, the recall is for overheating; nothing about stray electricity. Marineland is going to get an ear full tomorrow. I don't believe they did a good enough job of letting people know about this recall and they definitely didn't mention the possibility of getting a nasty shock.

As for me, I'm perfectly fine now. Ill count my lucky stars. That's the second time in my life I get a crazy shock and come out with no major damage. The first time my water heater in college broke and I was standing in 2 inches of water when I touched the panel to disconnect it. That was way worse. Actually ended up in the hospital. Admittedly, that was me being an idiot. I this case though, I don't think I was being stupid so much as I simply overlooked a key step.

I should have unplugged all the equipment before removing it. Had I unplugged the heater before picking it up, I wouldn't have gotten shocked and I would have seen the crack. That crack would have been enough to show me that the heater was the culprit. Also, always have a multimeter with you when dealing with an electrical issue in your tank. You wanna know how much voltage your about to stick your hand into.

Hope you all learn from my mistake and stay safe!
Jorge, I had 4 marineland stealts in my possession until just recently... I also did not know that there was a recall.. Mine would be stuck in the off position.. Never would turn on... The thermocouple inside the heater would stick closed... I had no idea of the recall til someone at a lfs told me about it.. What is interesting about your story too is how did you even get. Crack in the heater? Those things are supposed to be shatterproof.. Give marineland an earful for me too.. I bought 4 of those things..
Wow man sorry to hear about that. Yeah Marineland reputation going down tubes fast! First LEDs and now heater geez
Jorge, I had 4 marineland stealts in my possession until just recently... I also did not know that there was a recall.. Mine would be stuck in the off position.. Never would turn on... The thermocouple inside the heater would stick closed... I had no idea of the recall til someone at a lfs told me about it.. What is interesting about your story too is how did you even get. Crack in the heater? Those things are supposed to be shatterproof.. Give marineland an earful for me too.. I bought 4 of those things..

Call Marineland and they will send you a free shipping label. Send them your old Stealth heaters and they will send you a check for them.
Wow!! Man that is scary stuff. Glad you are OK.
Just curious why are you running a heater in South Florida? I have been keeping reef tanks in SE Florida for 15+ years and have never had the need for a heater.
Wow!! Man that is scary stuff. Glad you are OK.
Just curious why are you running a heater in South Florida? I have been keeping reef tanks in SE Florida for 15+ years and have never had the need for a heater.
When I was running MH's I wasn't running aheater.. Even then I would have 8 degree temp swings.. A bit to much fluctuation for my sps.. Now I have LEDs I keep it 76-78 and coral seem happier.. I also meant to say I only use it at night time.. During the day it isn't used.. Glass loses a lot of heat through the glass itself..
Does your tank really fluctuate that much at night? I might see a 1 degree fluctuation in temp from night to day. The natural reefs the corals come from fluctuate way more than that. Maybe it's just me but I just am not seeing the need to risk running a heater in South Florida.
Forgot to mention tank is underneath a big fan and with LEDs temp doesn't get as hot as it would with MH's so.. No .. I don't think temp swings now are as bad but I guess I am just used to remembering about stability with tank parameters so I guess that's why I use one.. Is it necessary? I don't think it it as u said living in SOFLO but I am a creature of habit so I'll keep using it..
Wow!! Man that is scary stuff. Glad you are OK.
Just curious why are you running a heater in South Florida? I have been keeping reef tanks in SE Florida for 15+ years and have never had the need for a heater.

Is it necessary? I don't think it it as u said living in SOFLO but I am a creature of habit so I'll keep using it..

Like Kayo said, for me a lot of it is habit but also because I run my AC at about 68-70 in the summer and because the tank is near a vent and open top, it will get pretty cold. Also, on the 6 "cold" days a year that we get, I keep my windows open and the tank is right by a window. When I had my 160 with halides and a canopy, I didn't run heaters at all.

On my sister in laws tank, Im not so sure it was necessary but because they run their air low also, I think it helps with temp fluctuations.

No doubt this experience is gonna make me think twice about putting another one in there. lol
Wow man sorry to hear about that. Yeah Marineland reputation going down tubes fast! First LEDs and now heater geez

Thanks Armando. Yeah, I have been unimpressed with Marineland as of late. Especially on the SW front.

Ok, so below are some photos and video from what this heater was doing. It's absolutely freakin' crazy.

Volt Reading prior to heater being connected:


Volt Reading while heater is connected:


Two short videos to show what it's actually doing. Crazy, really have never seen this before! You can actually see the smoke coming from the bubbles in the first video and from the heater itself in the second. That buzz you hear, yeah, that's electricity.

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
No doubt this experience is gonna make me think twice about putting another one in there. lol

That's is what I was trying to get at. The risk of running a heater in SOFL is not worth the small fluctuations in temp we get. WAY too many heater failures to risk it.

Those videos are CRAZY!!
I'm surprised that titanium heaters are not more popular. I've always used them on a controller of some kind with no issues.
Jorge, sorry about the fish!
Lost the clowns as well? :/

Nope. The clowns are in my tank. This was my sis-in-laws tank. And yes, she lost two black clowns that I had in my 90g tank. They were 5 years old. :sad2:

I'm surprised that titanium heaters are not more popular. I've always used them on a controller of some kind with no issues.

Which brand do you use? Never considered titanium to be honest but I imagine the titanium advantage is just the "shatter proof" quality but the Stealths were supposed to be "shatter proof" also. Apparently though, they are not crack proof.

The issue with heaters going bad I think is usually more electrical and in overheating. I would think titanium heaters are just as prone to that.
The one with the built in controller is a WON that I have had for years and has worked flawlessly. The other I cannot recall the make of, but it is controlled by an independent temp controller.
The one with the built in controller is a WON that I have had for years and has worked flawlessly. The other I cannot recall the make of, but it is controlled by an independent temp controller.

Funny thing is I have 2 titanium heaters that have built in controllers and I still plugged them into Apex outlets for saftey measure. That way if there is large spike in AMP draw or temp controller on heater fails I always have a second line of defense and all it takes is a second or third EB8.
i too have a WON brand titanium heater. It has its own controller but i still have it plugged into my apex. The built in controller is not reliable enough in my opinion.
well all my heaters have been connected to my apex so Ive never been worried about overheating and that kind of heater failure, but electric shock, even the Apex cant prevent that
I've been meaning to update this thread to commend Marineland for how they handled this situation. It's not often that a company steps-up and admits their wrong doing. Not only did they offer new heaters or cash value (I took the cash value), they also processed my claim for the livestock that was lost. I received the check a few weeks ago so while it took a while, the point is they still came through. Props to Marineland for doing the right thing. Hopefully they step up their manufacturing.