Marineland Stealth Heater could've killed me!

Sorry to hear about this! Scary as heck to say the least.

Just thinking outside the box here... Even if it was connected to a controller, wouldn't the controller turn the heater on anyways (even if its cracked) when the temp reached the level set on the controller? You still would have been shocked at some point right? So even in this case a controller would have been useless right?
Sorry to hear about this! Scary as heck to say the least.

Just thinking outside the box here... Even if it was connected to a controller, wouldn't the controller turn the heater on anyways (even if its cracked) when the temp reached the level set on the controller? You still would have been shocked at some point right? So even in this case a controller would have been useless right?

Yeah, it was connected to an Apex so right, a controller would have made no difference.

Is making a heater that is accurate that difficult? Why isn't there a design that is reliable and safe?

See above. This is why I have it hooked up to a controller. lol. better safe than sorry in terms of heat going into tank.

That said, I think there are good heaters out there. There is one by eheim that I think has great reviews. But since I will always run my tank with a controller, no reason not to hook it up to a controller.
Glad to hear they did the right thing. The old glass visi-therms were always one of the better heaters on the market, the newer Stealth, sadly not the same quality.
Wow crazy story. I would think everyone should connect a inline GFI breaker to there heaters from now on. I had a similar story about 2 years ago with a mag pump. I picked it up off Craigslist and went to clean it and check the flow inside the sink. I was barefoot outside in my patio and stuck my hand inside the sink I was shocked till the breaker kicked off. Was really scary feeling. From then on I check all my equipment with gfi breakers.