Tank looks great man, keep up the awesome work, those stags are cool

Anyway, all your corals look great and the PE looks nice as well
Thanks Perry!
Some of my acros are doing quite well but honestly I almost nuked the tank with a series of unchecked newbie mistakes.
I changed bulbs.
I lowered fan speed to increase PAR.
I added some carbon to clear the water.
I reduced vinegar to clear up the water from having too much bacteria (vinegar + biopellets).
I OWN a PAR meter, but it doesn't work unless I use the damn thing. :headwally:
My PAR goal is 400 at the base of the highest acro and 200 on the sandbed. I was near 600 and 350 on the sandbed. Golly, I wonder why my chalices croaked? I haven't even cleaned the glass lids. Combine this with the fact I had been feeding less due to the back injury and I suppose it could have been worse.
I raised the fixture and put a couple of actinic bulbs in to help lower the PAR.
Bulb lineup is coral (Gieseman version), actinic, blue, coral, actinic, blue.
I also had to lower the LED intensity a bit. I will be watching KH very closely because I expect usage could drop here for a bit. The slimer was getting about 700 PAR and loving it.
I've lowered the output of the biopellet reactor and reduced vinegar in the topoff to 15ml a gallon from 20ml.
Did a full set of tests, just in case.
KH 8.0
Ca 410
Mg 1330
NO3 2.5
PO4 < .05
Salinity 35ppt
Another clue I ignored is how healthy the corals on the frag racks were doing compared to under the main lights. I saved 3 frags from my big purple Duncan colony that died a horrible death. I placed 2 of these on frag racks and one in the rocks. The one in the rocks is nearly dead. Very low nutrients plus a crap ton of light will do that.
Now I have to find the balance where everyone will be reasonably happy.
This acro was hit the hardest, but you can see healthy skin making a comeback already.
I did more pest checks, with flash, of the AEFW magnets and found nothing, plus those bite/scratch marks are gone so perhaps it was a nutrient issue all along.
My big Valida is receding, hopefully the lighting and nutrient fix stops this.
Other than that most of the acros look healthy, with nice puffy skin. I love this one, sitting on the top of the "dong" on the left side. Seemingly unphased by lighting or nutrients.
Wild acro frags on the left frag rack showing good color and healthy.
Miami Orchid (impossible to photo) could care less.
Slimer never cares.
Teal is the same way.
Now I must be careful not to overdo any changes. I've diluted the Kalk in anticipation of a KH rise. Will evaluate daily but I would rather be sitting at 7.5 then 8.0 so a slow drop will be good.