Mark's 150 gallon

Both the crab and shrimp are in the anemone tank along with the green Poci.

I've had this purple Poci for years and never any trouble until the last few months, this included surviving to incidents that killed acros.


In the morning more skin would be injured, missing polyps and lighter in color. By the end of the day asterinas would have consumed the flesh. Time will tell if the damage stops and this thing recovers.

The fishless very low maintenance, and very ugly, BTA tank.
I was browsing for articles or notes on tiny white bugs, smaller than red bugs, and found a good video on one of the crabs I have:

This guy is living on the pocis and probably too "needy" for what I have, which explains the damage to pocis but not other corals.

In other news, I believe I have a white bug infestation. Somewhat related to red bugs but smaller and still capable of doing damage. The base of the valida is covered in these white fleas and still slowly receding. The good news is no AEFW anywhere, but these fleas are either doing damage or the result of damage.

Ironically KH usage has been steadily climbing. Tank dropped to 6.7 KH so I'm attempting to slowly get that back up to 7.5. Tested Mg and it was a little low, 1250, so I'm raising that as well.

I'm planning on doing 5 gallon water changes every other day (Kent reef salt, high in Mg) for a while here to see if I can improve conditions before taking more drastic action. The Nasuta had bug issues as well but has managed to recover and now looks healthy brown with thick skin and decent polyp extension.
Oh man, Mark I am sorry to hear about bugs, I have never heard of the white ones, hope you can run interceptor and have success like with RB's. The display looks beautiful, so no need to get worked up, I am sure with time and patience you will have any of your issues resolved in short order :) Happy New Year!
I loved that fts buddy:beer:
Happy no aefw are present:)
That bugs might be a result like you said and not the cause.At least that's what i wish!
Thanks for the positive words guys, much appreciated.

I rescaped the right side to open it up and improve flow. The RW15 is aimed behind the rocks and providing some good movement behind the valida and down to the sandbed in back. This also moved the big Miami Orchid up to where it can be better appreciated. It's getting BIG.

I've had some of the smooth skins brown out on me, as well as the red planet frag, but the Lokani and stags have been unaffected.

Closeup of the right site. The Midas has made his home in the big rock on the right side for over 2 years, all the way back to my original 40 gallon. He's trying to push the Red Planet rock off his rock, fortunately it's heavy enough not to budge. :D


Mag rock with Aussie Sarmentosa

Almost there ....
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Your stag forest is an inspiration for me. I am desperately looking for a teal stag to pair with my green slimer. I think the effect is absolutely wondrous.
Your stag forest is an inspiration for me. I am desperately looking for a teal stag to pair with my green slimer. I think the effect is absolutely wondrous.

Thanks Chris, I appreciate the kind words. I hope you can find a nice teal stag!


I've been following a thread over in the propagation section (not sure why he put it there) that I think more people need to see.


This, along with 2 other acros, arrived this morning.

Pro Corals Rainbow. WYSIWYG and looks exactly like this. :spin1:

Now where to place it .......

I think to the left of the Miami Orchid, behind the nasuta. Maybe.
Mark.... that Acro is a beauty !!!! Nice selection !!!


Thanks Daniel!

I've got some epoxy, a lot of rock rubble, and small solid rocks (BRS natural frag plugs), tonight I start building over the brown pallys. My goal is to completely cover the area they are growing in and let them slowly wither away. I won't be able to get rid of them, but I can slow the spread.

The other corals I received this morning ...

UC Wild Orchid (mine looks better than this stock photo)

Fundip Tenuis (I kill tenuis, let's see how long this lasts. :D )
Nice rainbow bud and your fts is super cool!!!:beer:
The best place to put it would be my tank but since distance is a setback for that option,i think it would look nice if placed at the tip of the base rock on the right side or that side in general.Just a thought:)
Thanks Chris, I appreciate the kind words. I hope you can find a nice teal stag!


I've been following a thread over in the propagation section (not sure why he put it there) that I think more people need to see.


This, along with 2 other acros, arrived this morning.

Pro Corals Rainbow. WYSIWYG and looks exactly like this. :spin1:

Now where to place it .......

I think to the left of the Miami Orchid, behind the nasuta. Maybe.

oh baby.. nice new frags.... but this one.... yes, to the left so that is can grow into its super DUPER awesome red/orange/purple/ green blue yellow ultra marine extra turquoise super awesome glory!!!!! phew... i need a cigarette!
yes.. it'll balance the tank nicely over there, Mark. :spin3:
oh baby.. nice new frags.... but this one.... yes, to the left so that is can grow into its super DUPER awesome red/orange/purple/ green blue yellow ultra marine extra turquoise super awesome glory!!!!! phew... i need a cigarette!
yes.. it'll balance the tank nicely over there, Mark. :spin3:

Thanks Matt, but I'll probably find a way to kill it. :lmao:

So I'm running a little GFO again, NO3 has dropped but PO4 continued to slowly rise. AIO pellets are GFO plus pellets so it's not like I wasn't running it before. I reject (in friendly terms) those who run AIO and say they aren't running GFO because they are. :bigeyes:

Starting with a really small amount and seeing where it takes the numbers. my goal is .08 for now. In hindsight I guess the nasuta browning out was the first warning since phosphates were rising yet not measurable. Our PO4 tests are looking into the past.

Did another gravel vac water change, more dirty brown muck was removed.

KH 7.0
NO3 5
PO4 .14

I've got bacterial slime building up on the return nozzles again so I will be cutting back on the vinegar.
Using the Hanna ULR

43 P yesterday
23 P today.

Is that too fast a drop? I only had my GFO reactor on for 12 hours. Corals look fine, no obvious stress.
That's gfo... 12 hours, depending on the amount of gfo, it's totally plausible. Maybe slow down the flow through that reactor..
You are tempting me to do the same.. Even after I told Bulent I wouldn't...
So you just started the gfo, and no longer run aio pellets but are using some vinegar at the moment, right?
Isn't that the same as running aio pellets?? :)