Thanks guys.
Andrew, the frags in less light seem to be more stable. The faster a coral was growing the worse shape it's in, which almost seems like it ran out of something important, but nothing I can measure apparently.
Waiting impatiently for the Triton results!
The blue stag is still receding slowly at the base and up the stem, but the center has increased in color. Right now it's the only acro to show any improvements.
I do have some comparisons.
This is a very rugged green digitata. I had to break it up during the rescape and glued the best branches here. Base looks like crap but it's putting on new top growth.
A month ago I took 2 half dead branches and moved them into my 40 to see what happened. Magic water.
I moved this acro frag 2 just two days ago because it suddenly lost color and polyp extension. It's brown, but is already showing improvements.
The Lokani keeps on going. :fun4:
Tank is suffering some pretty bad green cyano lately, telling me something is out of whack.
one frag of the Purple Stylo, sitting in the sandbed, has died at the base. Frags in the frag rack and in my 40 gallon are all stable.