Mark's 150 gallon

Stay there Mark !!!!

I am still losing corals.... :blown:

I hope something will survive in my tank. My positive view "every coral/colony I lost is a new empty space for a future SPS" , to be filled when the tanks aquires it's new equilibrium.

Stay there Mark !!!!

I am still losing corals.... :blown:

I hope something will survive in my tank. My positive view "every coral/colony I lost is a new empty space for a future SPS" , to be filled when the tanks aquires it's new equilibrium.


Oh Daniel, that sucks. :(
I moved one of the frags that went downhill recently into my 40 and already, over just 2 days, it's regained green when shining my blue flashlight on it. I'm happy for the acro, but even more worried about what is in the water in this tank.

If it's suffering from a problem that happened in the 150 that is no longer present then why would it show a quick turn around in my other tank. :reading:

It's the brown turd just below the hammer coral, sitting in my frag bridge. I need more space for frags.
Looks like you have some kind of poison in there. I had the same issues. A friend asked me what I used to mix the saltwater in. I Had an old tub I used for years with no issues....
Until just lately. So I bought a new brute can to see what would happen, and that took care of it.
I hope you solve your problem, good luck!
Looks like you have some kind of poison in there. I had the same issues. A friend asked me what I used to mix the saltwater in. I Had an old tub I used for years with no issues....
Until just lately. So I bought a new brute can to see what would happen, and that took care of it.
I hope you solve your problem, good luck!

Interesting, thanks. My Brute is covered in brown gunk but I use it for both tanks. I'll give it a vinegar cleaning before the next fill up.

We have house centipedes, nasty ugly bugs, moving in from outside and I found one in the sump the other morning. Fished it out, thought nothing of it, but who knows where it's been crawling. I would hope carbon could take care of minor issues like that.
I would do a couple of water changes and then carbon.
Also looks like you have algae issues, which I did as well. Nothing that a whole bunch of Mexican Turbos could not deal with..
Sorry to hear about all the issues my friend i hope you figure out what is the cause and take care of it. I been gone from this forum for a while been busy with my real estate and i don't have time. I had an issue with my tank also previously due to a lack of time and commitment to it. But i did figure it out my potassium dropped really low. Once i clean and corrected everything was back to normal and we'll the dying stop and colors starting to come back. Took me a while to figure it out but the process of illiminating what caused it by checking and adjusting one thing a time a time helped for me. I hope u find it my friend goodluck
I really wonder what your problem is, it baffles me that one tank could be doing so well and the other not. It leads me to believe it could be 1) equipment issue, or 2) rock/sand bed leaching something (not necessarily nutrient related). I wish we lived a bit closer so I could swing by and check things out in person, not that we'd accomplish anything at all... :lol: but still, who knows.

I really hope your triton results reveal something for you.
I'm really saddened to see the misery you've been going through Mark, a while back i was thinking that you were really beginning to see things click into place.

Something is most definitely out of order in your water mate, considering the tolerance of some of your pieces whilst others lose tissue at the tips and base inexplicably should narrow things down i'm sure.

Are the acros that lost tissue at the base shaded down there or are they well lit. Is it only the shaded base acros that died back or is it also on brightly illuminated base areas Mark. Might be barking up the wrong tree but doesn't hurt to consider everything.

What i am getting at is perhaps it is something that pushes high light and low light areas to react negatively - tips and bases. Pushes them over their normal tolerance levels of both high and low light.
Thanks guys.

Andrew, the frags in less light seem to be more stable. The faster a coral was growing the worse shape it's in, which almost seems like it ran out of something important, but nothing I can measure apparently.

Waiting impatiently for the Triton results!

The blue stag is still receding slowly at the base and up the stem, but the center has increased in color. Right now it's the only acro to show any improvements.

I do have some comparisons.

This is a very rugged green digitata. I had to break it up during the rescape and glued the best branches here. Base looks like crap but it's putting on new top growth.

A month ago I took 2 half dead branches and moved them into my 40 to see what happened. Magic water.

I moved this acro frag 2 just two days ago because it suddenly lost color and polyp extension. It's brown, but is already showing improvements.

The Lokani keeps on going. :fun4:

Tank is suffering some pretty bad green cyano lately, telling me something is out of whack.

one frag of the Purple Stylo, sitting in the sandbed, has died at the base. Frags in the frag rack and in my 40 gallon are all stable.
I was having similar things happen to midday of my acros. I fixed my issue with microbater7 . Not before losing a third of my frags though.
I was having similar things happen to midday of my acros. I fixed my issue with microbater7 . Not before losing a third of my frags though.

Thanks Pife. I have used MB7 before and I have some now but I'm trying not to dose much before I know what's wrong. Good idea though, thanks for sharing.

You know, there is one thing that I keep neglecting to consider when going over tank changes. I added a reactor full of Seachem Matrix before the worst of this started to happen. I'm trying to look at pictures and logs to see exactly when it was. I know Daniel added a bunch of Matrix recently as well. Hopefully just a coincidence.
Interesting observation about the matrix..
In each container I have seen, there are always some stones that are clearly not the porous matrix stuff.. Maybe it would be a good idea to go back and remove the odd looking bits..
I think Andrew did that..
Interesting observation about the matrix..
In each container I have seen, there are always some stones that are clearly not the porous matrix stuff.. Maybe it would be a good idea to go back and remove the odd looking bits..
I think Andrew did that..

He has a lengthy scientifically based post about teh floaters and why they should be removed, as I remember;)
Interesting observation about the matrix..
In each container I have seen, there are always some stones that are clearly not the porous matrix stuff.. Maybe it would be a good idea to go back and remove the odd looking bits..
I think Andrew did that..

He has a lengthy scientifically based post about teh floaters and why they should be removed, as I remember;)

Yes he does, but that's not what I'm talking about.. There are a few other stones in the mix as well..

I just got a gallon of matrix in the mail and am waiting on five more gallons. I didn't know I was going to have to sort through the stuff before I bagged it up and added it to the sump. Thanks for the information.
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Thanks Pife. I have used MB7 before and I have some now but I'm trying not to dose much before I know what's wrong. Good idea though, thanks for sharing.

You know, there is one thing that I keep neglecting to consider when going over tank changes. I added a reactor full of Seachem Matrix before the worst of this started to happen. I'm trying to look at pictures and logs to see exactly when it was. I know Daniel added a bunch of Matrix recently as well. Hopefully just a coincidence.

Hi Mark

The Matrix was added almost a year ago. I just added a few more around last thanksgiving. I provided Biggle the number he is using. He asked me how much I added. I never paid attention to it because the excess do not hurt. He finish adding the same.

Matrix is just a home for bacterias. Nothing, to my knowledge, is being leach.

At Matt, as you I never sorted any of the stones. I washed it well under tap water and then bagged or used it in media reactors.

If my memory is correct I have around 10 liters in 100 G.

I am sure that my fuge plus the Matrix are the ones keeping PO4 and NO3 low.

I hope this help

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Thanks Daniel, I feel better about the matrix now.

I am seeing roughed up tips on two more acros now while others are healing. Still waiting for Triton but I am guessing either a contaminant or something is lacking. Based on this I did the following yesterday and today:

New big bag of Seachem Matrix Carbon.
Cleaned skimmer.
Dosed 8 drops of Kent Iron and Manganese (yesterday)
Dosed 2 ml of TLF Essential Sea Elements (today)
Dosed 5 drops Lugols yesterday, 2 drop today

The red cap does have red polyps today, they have been absent for the last few days. I believe the cap improved after the last water change and then faded. Lack of an element, or contamination, either might produce these symptoms IMO.

I bought a test acro and test monti cap today, plus a rainbow acan and a gold torch. If these take a dive my 40 gallon is really going to be crowded. :D

Going to observe for the next few days and see what happens. I know the blue stag has improved in color since yesterday but there are no hard edges on any acro that's been receding so I fear that is continuing.

KH 7.5 and steady.

I have 2 liters of Manganese now, but no plans to use it until Triton comes back.
Cap progress since dosing iron and Lugols



That change is pretty dramatic over just a day. This is the color is should be. Took just a week in the 40 to turn a good solid red, 2 weeks to look like this.

Cousin It with tip burn but polyps now extending on this tip. This one was hit fast, going from colored to crud in 3 days.

Palmers Blue has gotten worse since yesterday, but you know it could be just showing signs of a problem that happened last week.

Test Acro


Test Monti (Seasons Greetings)

One of the purple Stylo frags. I have the frag rack mounted in the front of the tank so I can keep my eyes on these.

In the shadow of the untouchable Lokani.
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