Mark's 150 gallon

How are you getting such good macro shots of the polyps? I have my camera on a tripod but still can't find enough light for a fast enough shutter to avoid motion blur. I also am using old extension tubes instead of a macro lens, so maybe that is the problem. Any tricks?

Are you turning all flow off in the tank?
How are you getting such good macro shots of the polyps? I have my camera on a tripod but still can't find enough light for a fast enough shutter to avoid motion blur. I also am using old extension tubes instead of a macro lens, so maybe that is the problem. Any tricks?

800 ISO, speed locked at 100, lens resting on the glass, no tripod. I get grubby hand prints all over the glass by the time I'm finished. :D For me, even with flow on, the trick is to keep the speed locked at 100 and raise the ISO if needed to get a decent shot.
Thanks Perry!

6 months of growth of the Lokani. I knew it was getting better but I can't tell how unless I look at older pics. Lots of new branches.


My precsiousssss is growings well..... Smeagol will have you, yesssss we will!!

Mark, how long after doing interceptor did you start to see a return of the little gray/white bugs?
Thanks Josh and Kev.

First pic is that reddish acro, a wild from Pacific East Aquaculture. It was large but had all kinds of issues when the tank "crashed" so I chopped it up. The biggest piece, the one in the picture, has been getting redder and redder, but the polyps remain that greenish brown color.

Here it was in July 2015 soon after purchase.


And here is what was left of it in the middle of the tank issues.

I'm hoping I can get the white polyps back.

The red coloration in the current pic is the best, IMO.
When you can, I would like to see more pics of that piece. Maybe a full colony shot. I think the color is very unique; an in between shade of red/pink/purple.

Definitely not just another coral.
It definitely is not boring!
The red coloration in the current pic is the best, IMO.
When you can, I would like to see more pics of that piece. Maybe a full colony shot. I think the color is very unique; an in between shade of red/pink/purple.

Definitely not just another coral.
It definitely is not boring!

This is all that is left.

The frag I took the picture of, mounted on a portable rock.

3 smaller frags placed together on an oversized plug to slowly make a larger frag.

I've only seen the blue around the base since the tank recovered, can't wait until the piece gets bigger.
I'm glad to see the recovery in progress. One of the best things about this hobby is that if you can save the smallest piece of an Acro, you can someday have a full colony again. I have a couple of teeny pieces that are growing again and will be full colonies someday:)
Thanks Flo.

So the Xenia has gone from annoyance to pest, but fortunately pulling and scraping doesn't seem to bother any corals. While removing some I ended up doing a moderate rescape of the center to put acros at different levels and give everything a little more room to grow.


Once again I'd like to thank the purple cap for providing a platform to a superior coral. :lolspin: This "purple acro" from Tidal Gardens has shown some very interesting colors of late and I wanted to move it up into brighter light where I can see what it will do.



While I was scooting and swearing and avoiding the Foxface who always wants to be friendly I was able to raise Cousin It higher and twist the stick it and the horrida is on to provide for a better view of the horrida.


KH fell to 6.5 yet again so I manually dosed it back up. If it falls once more then another tsp of Kalk will be added to the topoff. I'm so deathly afraid of spiking Alk that changes are probably slower than they need to be but I sleep better at night. :D
Weekend topdowns. Only boring you with the ones that showed the most change from last week. :D

Getting excited about this one.

And I think it's safe to say this IS red.

Red Robin (swoon)

Cousin It might be showing more color but a LOT of new growth.

Ok, the Lokani has not changed, but I can't resist.
Loving the colors Mark, seriously. Is the first top-down a red planet frag? Kind of reminds me of my red planet when it was smaller but I could be wrong. :p
Loving the colors Mark, seriously. Is the first top-down a red planet frag? Kind of reminds me of my red planet when it was smaller but I could be wrong. :p

Hi Josh,

well .... about that one.

I would be happy if it's a red planet, and it might be but I have no idea. Back just as the tank was starting to take a dive I broke a piece off of whatever coral this was and it fell into the sandbed unseen. A couple of months later I found it, still alive, and mounted it to a frag plug. Yet another example of how sometimes corals can survive crashes while in the sandbed.

I did lose a small red planet frag that had a few branches so it could be that. I also had a large frag on a frag block that I bought from a fish store that was changing hands. The original owner was known to buy stupid expensive acros and grow them out to make $$$, or so he thought. This is where I got the Lokani and maybe this piece, if it's off that big block.

This was the Red Planet

This was Blockhead (I name these so I can thread search to find them). :D

I really think it's Blockhead, and there is an outside change this is something similar to tierra del fuego. It has some funky colors under blue lights, but of course real acro reefers take their pictures under white lights. :lmao:

Here's the most colorful it got for me before I lost it.

I think I've convinced myself. The red polyps but white on the tips seems distinctive.
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Mystery frags are so much fun when they start to color up, haha. I have a few I'm still waiting on, one in particular that even the mother wasn't colored up so I have absolutely no clue what to expect. It'll be interesting to see it as it matures a bit more, if it is red planet I expect it'll probably take off on you because mine is definitely one of the fastest growing acros in my tank. Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be stunning, keep it up buddy. :beer:
Mystery frags are so much fun when they start to color up, haha. I have a few I'm still waiting on, one in particular that even the mother wasn't colored up so I have absolutely no clue what to expect. It'll be interesting to see it as it matures a bit more, if it is red planet I expect it'll probably take off on you because mine is definitely one of the fastest growing acros in my tank. Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be stunning, keep it up buddy. :beer:

Hi Josh, thanks. The base is turning rust as the tips continue to gain more red, especially under blue light. It's an odd one.

So today was going to be the day I finally reached 7.0 KH but I failed again, 6.8 was the best I could do. :jester: Every extra drop of Alk I add gets turned into growth, and some of these acros are growing at an alarming rate. Not complaining!
nice shots!

keep em coming!! ;)


Thanks Flo

How are you keeping the sand bed so white?

Not sure. There is some cyano but not much. Perhaps the daily usage of PhosphateRx helps?


As KH usage has increased I noticed a few issues, some colors faded a bit and my most sensitive LPS, a red yellow blasto, started to decline. Last week I started adding a pinch (maybe 1/8 of a tsp to 1/4 max) Reef Roids daily. The blast has recovered and colors have increased on most of the acros. I guess the increase in Alk usage would also correspond to an increased food demand?

My daily routine is now:

3 drops PhosphateRx
2 drops AquaForest MicroE
4 drops SpongePower
1/8 tsp Reef Roids + regular mix of flake and pellet food.
I took some quick topdowns and most were horrible.

Red Robin responding well to higher KH and increased food.


The subulata has been stuck at a decent color but not the killer green and purple it's capable of. It's looking better, still some ways to go. It does prefer higher nitrates, like around 20! :spin1:

Every time I come check out your thread, Mark, I inch ever closer to using lanthanum chloride..
Everything is looking better and better.
With your 3 drops a day, where does your po4 sit?