Thank you all for the kind words, it really makes the hobby more fun.
Things are still slowly improving, especially the reds. I have realized now that I had been running too low Alk for months, and this has helped to explain why some SPS did well while others refused and even died. I don't think this had anything to do with the original crash but it may have contributed.
During this last episode I lost one frag of my blue stag, half of another, while others showed stress but have returned to full health. I had to toss two small milli frags as well which ended up dying on the frag rack.
So how bad was the Alk issue? Over the past month I've gone from 1 tsp Kalk per two gallons topoff to fully saturated at two tsp per gallon and I still haven't hit 7.0 KH, though I am holding steady now around 6.7. How long was the tank ready to take off but struggling with low Alk? All I can do is make sure it doesn't happen again.
In addition to fixing Alk I dosed CaNO3 once, just 1/2 tsp, but enough to get a shade of pink in the Nitrate test (Salifert). Still near 0, but not clear. It's been 4 days since dosing and overall colors seem a little richer with no observed negative effects.
The subulata (Katropora) is still lacking the vivid greens and purples that I'm used too.
However the red one right next to it ... my gosh.
Valida on teh left, subulata on the right for comparison.
Red Robin on the left and the smaller frag of Katropora on the right.
This one is stuck at these dullish colors.
The hairy twins, horrida on the left with a really nice turquoise base and Cousin It, which has spots of intense red but a lot of brow as well, not that you can actually see it.
This one is exciting. It's hard to photograph but the appearance is a deep red with no hints of brown, unlike the millis which are red + tan.