Well,if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't be changing much!
Looking fantastic!
It's just so boring not to change things to see if I can get improvements. This is why I moved to all droppers, it prevents my personality type from screwing things up. :fun4:
Living on the edge with that alk! Corals looking great though
I wanted to take pictures but the memory card on the camera says corrupted. I was finally able to get the computer to recognize the card so I could reformat and it seems to work but by that time it was too late for pics. Buying a new memory card just in case.
I am now adding 30ml of each two part daily and KH is at 6.5 and still slowly falling. Has the tank been Alk starved, does this explain some of the issues on a few corals? My goal remains 7KH but I rarely achieve that level for long.
Growth on the slimer is now alarming with new buds everywhere (more than last week). Other easier SPS are showing a ton of new growth as well. The brown acros remain brown and reds remain off so I am reducing Nitrate dosing again and seeing if I get any changes. I've also increases PhosphateRx to 4 drops a day with PO4 hovering around .06. As I referenced above, all of these changes are very gradual due to the way I do things but if I move in the wrong direction it might take weeks to notice and move back.
3 drops MicroE
3 drops Kalum (same dose instructions as MicroE)
4 drops PhosphateRx (up from 2)
5 drops vinegar
0 drops CaNO3 (Stopped for now, nitrates at ~5)
5 drops SpongePower
1/4 tsp Reef Roids or Reef Chili or Coral Frenzy
2 squirts (dropper full) of AcroPower.
Alk and Calcium provided via timed topoff with saturated Kalk plus 30ml 2 part daily.
As far as PhosphateRx, it's difficult to tell what the dose needs to be. Overdosing will apparently not starve the tank of PO4 as it can only reduce it so far. 4 may be overdosing a bit, trying to sort this out with PO4 tests.