Mark's 150 gallon

It's been a busy month or so but things are still doing quite well. I trimmed the Xenia yesterday, ended up with a gallon of water and xenia slime. Acros always look fantastic a day after trimming, xenia releases some kind of magic goop into the water, so I took a few quick and dirty (I need to scrape!) shots.




Mark.... tank looks great. Those colonies have such a nice shape and grow.

When I started my SPS tank I had in mind to achieve something like your tank or Matt (Canada) tank. Unfortunately I finish with something in the middle. A mixed reef with a few Acros and some others SPS.

I do no regret what I have and have achieved. I have many lessons learned from my first experience with Acros and others SPS.

My tank now is "what it is" and will not change. Also my life have changed since I started (60% of the week out of home and a grandpa!!! :-) ). I will not start it again another tank. I enjoy what I have accomplish. BUT !!!! For my retirement (~ 7 years) definitively I will target to have a tank like yours.

The start points will be bare bottom and only Acros . Nothing else, not a minimal piece of something different than an Acro.

As I will retire in Florida, nearby our granddaughter, we already have the house built there, I will have to take down my actual tank. Sooner or later.

The rebuilt will be in Florida and applying all what I have learned, from my own experience and from all the guys, like you, here at RC.

Cheers and......GREAT TANK !!!
Mark.... tank looks great. Those colonies have such a nice shape and grow.

When I started my SPS tank I had in mind to achieve something like your tank or Matt (Canada) tank. Unfortunately I finish with something in the middle. A mixed reef with a few Acros and some others SPS.

I do no regret what I have and have achieved. I have many lessons learned from my first experience with Acros and others SPS.

My tank now is "what it is" and will not change. Also my life have changed since I started (60% of the week out of home and a grandpa!!! :-) ). I will not start it again another tank. I enjoy what I have accomplish. BUT !!!! For my retirement (~ 7 years) definitively I will target to have a tank like yours.

The start points will be bare bottom and only Acros . Nothing else, not a minimal piece of something different than an Acro.

As I will retire in Florida, nearby our granddaughter, we already have the house built there, I will have to take down my actual tank. Sooner or later.

The rebuilt will be in Florida and applying all what I have learned, from my own experience and from all the guys, like you, here at RC.

Cheers and......GREAT TANK !!!

Hi Daniel, thanks!

I feel like my tank is similar except maybe less LPS but at the same time I'm not adding any new acros in the foreseeable future. I can see myself letting this tank drift into a mixed reef over time, though right now the acros I have seem quite happy.

Amazing tank Mark! I can't wait for the top downs!


looking great mark!!!!

Latest top-down photos are very exquisite Mark.

Wow, Mark. The colors are fantastic in your tank atm.

Holy crap Mark things are looking FANTABULOUS!

What he said. :thumbsup:

Thanks all, much appreciated. Unfortunately no top downs yet, the few days I had time the weather was so nice the wife and I went biking. Exercise!

In tank news.

KH dropped again to 6.0, raised it back up to 6.5 and am now adding 105ml two part daily. $$$$ I have increased PhosphateRx dosing to 2 drops daily, starting 3 weeks ago. I have not tested PO4 but colors have improved so I suspect it was a little high. NO3 is mostly undetectable.

The Flame angel I added nipped horribly for a week then started eating flake, and then pellet food. Currently no obvious nipping and polyp extension is good, even n the green digi which is loved to chew on.

A couple of FTS just to keep pictures going.

The FTS looks amazing! Do you notice your lps get a little shrunken when no3 becomes undetectable? I notice my frogspawn doesn't open as fully when it happens to me.