mated pair banded shrimp -- where to find?

You got to learn to sex them and pair them yourself. Stenopus hispidus and S. tenuirostris are the easiest to sex.

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You got to learn to sex them and pair them yourself. Stenopus hispidus and S. tenuirostris are the easiest to sex.

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Is one bigger than the other? How do you tell the difference? And jsut b/c it's a male + female, does it mean they will pair up?

Is one bigger than the other? How do you tell the difference? And jsut b/c it's a male + female, does it mean they will pair up?

No, it's not size. You can see the ovaries inside the female. With S. hispidus they are green, with S. tenuirostris they are bright blue.
I got to see if I can find some pictures later.

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It's easiest if they have several of the same kind. That way you are better able to spot the difference.

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It's easiest if they have several of the same kind. That way you are better able to spot the difference.

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I'm sure they won't have any instock.. none of the LFS around here. Sad as I live in Fort Lauderdale, South Florida, which is pretty civlized, but no good LFS that I know of within 30 mins of me. There are some, but just average level.
FYI do not acclimate in the same container. I did and the one clipped both pinchers off of the other. I freaked out but they grew back very quickly. Once in the tank they quickly came back together.
I have a breeding pair in my tank. I paired mine up myself, and its pretty much what therower said.

So, Like clownfish if you put 2 together they will pair .. except with shrmp must be maile and female. but any random male and random female will pair?

Stenopus tenuirostris pair:


Top: female
Bottom: male
Note also the difference in body proportions.

Stenopus zanzibaricus pair:


Top: female
Bottom: male

Stenopus zanzibaricus is one of the hardest to sex.

If the females have been alone for a while their ovaries might be empty and not as easy to recognize as with the tenuitostris above.
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... cant say any random male/female paired up will get along long term.

I never had a confirmed male and female of the same species not get along so I would think that - at least in a tank and without competitors - they are not very picky when it comes to their mates.
A funny story about my pair from KP Aquatics. When I first added them to the 300 gallon tank I had a cleaner shrimp in the tank already. The cleaner went after the one banded shrimp, and in a couple seconds the banded shrimp trimmed the antennae on the cleaner. The cleaner shrimp scurried away. No issues with either after that. I sold the pair to the person I sold the 300 to.
If you got them from KP they must have been S. scutelatus from the Caribbean.

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