max load of 6-way digital power bar


New member

I am wondering that what is the max load of 6-way digital power bar. I plan to hook up 100-w heater, 1/3 hp chiller and 2 x 150W HQi MH lights, might be propeller breeze in the near future. The reason, I don' t wanna buy another power bar unless I have to, and also want to control the tank temp.

Thank you
For USA and Canada the max load matches the max loading of a single wall socket which the power bar plugs into

15amps in total sum

Each socket can handle 15amps but that would mean you could not plug anything into the other 5 sockets.

Important - NEVER overload your wall socket, spread the laod when you get above 13 amps off one single wall socket.

I had a look at the RC forums and it said:

Bar operated at 230V: 10A per socket, in sum 16A = 3680W

Given that AUS breakers are 1set at 0 amps normally I think that it will be 10 amps for the whole bar and 2400 watts.
