Maxima Saw a ghost


Dont Take My Word For it
Premium Member
I purchased a Maxima(blue about 3 months ago,about 1 1/2 months ago i noticed he was loosing colour,now he`s white why would this be happening would it due to Zooancth algea missing?

anyone knows how to get his colour back.

Hi RobinL,
What kind of lighting do you have the clam under? Did you acclimate it to the light if it was more than that it was under at the store? What kind of lighting was it under at the store (if applicable)? What are you feeding it? Is anything bothering it (such as a fish nipping at it)?

I have it under 2x 150w HQI 10,000k MH,2 x Actinic PC 55w.
it was under 250w 10,000k at the store.

I am feeding Reef Solution,and nothing else besides my Calcium Additions,

Nothing has been bothering it, he opens up but is white with close no blue except for a few lines left when looking at him from above.

Hi RobinL,

How close was the clam to the light at the store? How close is it to the light in your tank? Am I correct in understanding you are not feeding the clam phytoplankton or any type of particulate food? Tridacna clams are photysynthetic but they are also "filter feeders." Reef Solution is a vitamin / "trace element" supplement, not a food. I don't know if it would make the clam bleach / appear white but the clam might be starved. I would recommend you use DT's live phytoplankton if it is available to you and if not, Kent Marine Phytoplex. When adding the phyto you may want to disable your skimmer for a while. Some people take their clams out of their main tank and put them in a dish with a high concentration of phytoplankton on a regular baisis.

I think i will take it out and feed it by itself in a bucket.

As for the phytoplancton,I was using Kent and I must of had a bad batch it smelled bad I ended up not taking a chance and throwing out a large bottle of the stuff out.

Which one do you prefer?

Thanks again
I would recommend DT's as it is actually living Nannochloripsis oculata and not preservative ladden. That being said I am currently using Kent Phytoplex for convienance... Practice what you preach i guess :rolleyes:

You might want to try "ESV spray dried phytoplancton". It is very inexpensive, very concentrated ( you don't need much each feeding), and works very well. Lot better than the kent phytoplex ( I too didn't like it when I tried a bottle once). The ESV has been around a very long time, and was recommended to me by lots of good people, and now I recommend it. I am also currently using Golden pearls ( the smallest size made) to feed my tank.
He seems to be getting worse now,
I have been feeding him phytp plank in liquid form,but he is shrinking into his shell anything i can do for it?

It would be a real bummer to loose him.

I dont know if this is your problem but in my experience 150HQI's seem to bleach everything i put under them. I dont know what it is, i guess they put out more UV than other bulbs. Even when i take a coral from 5 inches under a 250 MH and put it in the bottom of the tank with 150HQI, they still belach. The ones that survived the bleach are very healty after they recover but i would say that 40% dont make it. I have never put a clam in that tank, so i dont know if it would bleach though.
acroporas said:
I dont know if this is your problem but in my experience 150HQI's seem to bleach everything i put under them. I dont know what it is, i guess they put out more UV than other bulbs. Even when i take a coral from 5 inches under a 250 MH and put it in the bottom of the tank with 150HQI, they still belach. The ones that survived the bleach are very healty after they recover but i would say that 40% dont make it. I have never put a clam in that tank, so i dont know if it would bleach though.
Hi Robin,

I think this is the correct assumption in your situation. Daniel Knop talks about this in his book and seems to think that UV light might be responsibile fir central bleaching. Not that much as the light itself but rather clams inability to produce enough pigment to shield it from ultra violet light. In other words, insufficient acclimation time could have done this.
I'm afraid that prognosis for this clam are not great at this moment.

Daniel goes further to say that increasing thedistance to light source seems to improve condition but will not reverse it

I would try to use a small screen and try to shade it a bit to see if it helps.Puting in complete shadow I think will further damage the clam as it needs photosynthesis to live. A slight shading might help,I think. Do you have a picture of the condition that your calm is in?
Is the clam doing any better? Have you tried anything that has helped it? Are you feeding phytoplankton now? LauraBay that was a really informative read! Thanks for posting it!

I have 4 clams in my tank and they stay in the sand. All maximas. I have 2 150w HQI (upgrading to 250w HQI ) and I am not having any bleaching problems. I feed DT phytoplankton and have a fuge. I do know for a fact that HQI bulbs are not uv protected like mogule bulbs. You have to have uv rated glass splash guard or canopy under the lights to uv protect. If you are having bleaching problems then I would recommend upgrading or try a 14k or 12k bulb. There is more blue but not as much as a 20k bulb.
Hi Catfishd,

What size tank are your clams in (ie how far are they from the lights?)
