Maximize calerpa growth


New member
What causes calerpa to grow the fastest? Is pure brightness i.e. lumens the most important, or should I be focusing on par? Also what kelvin seems to be the most effective? Im just guessing but wouldn't a 5000-6000 kelvin work the best? Please post your personal experiences! Thanks
I find it grows pretty darn fast regardless of the lighting.
IMO it is the amount of nutrients in the water that have a larger effect on making it grow.
Re: Maximize calerpa growth

What causes calerpa to grow the fastest? Is pure brightness i.e. lumens the most important, or should I be focusing on par? Also what kelvin seems to be the most effective? Im just guessing but wouldn't a 5000-6000 kelvin work the best? Please post your personal experiences! Thanks

I just use NO's and the caulpera does fine. just plain old cheapie daylight spectrum. One time the 3300 lumen tubes i use were on sale for 2 tubes for $.88 (4' tubes) :D

I one time even turned off the lights for a week in my macro algae culture tank. Was cloudy from a new shipment dieing or going sexual feather caulpera. The existing caulpera profilera was just a darker color of green, but still heathy. When I turned on the lights it took off again and turned the lighter green color. And the water stayed clear.