Maximum operating angle of 6255 on 1" Acrylic


I'm wondering if you have an estimate, or preferably hard data on how many degrees from perpendicular a 6255 can be run when mounted on maximum thickness acrylic. I want to put them on the side walls of a quarter cylinder tank pointing to the front. Also if you have any other suggestions regarding flow in a tank this style, they'd be appreciated. My particular tank is 235 gallon, 4 foot sides, 30 inches deep, 1" thick acrylic.

The 6255 cannot be angled very much for a couple of reasons.

The housing is almost as wide as the clamp so their is limited room to move it.

The force is fairly great and the clamp will detach at sharp angles.

I would say if we take it as aimed 180 degrees from the glass, the range is about 150 to 210 degrees. You can certainly try more by changing the clamp orientation but some DIY mods to secure the clamp are likely to be needed.