Maxspect XF150 Gyre First Impression


New member
I finally have time to installed the new Grye pump
I was a little disappointed because I couldn't installed it Horizontally but that is no ones fault my tank has a overflow box on both sides of the tank

1.- The box.
it looks like a present box early Christmas present

2.- very easy to install

3.- light weight

4.- holding Magnet feels petty strong

5.- very easy to Program

6.- Very powerful,

7.- many different options Pulsing,reverse,feeding,constant

8.- Quieter than my two MP40s

my only complaint is that it does not have a night mode at lease I did not see one

Thanks FIOIS
Would your return pumps act as a night mode and just have your controller or timer shut it off at night....
Why would you want a night mode? The ocean doesn't calm down just because it's night. The moon is still rotating around the Earth creating tides. Weather doesnt care if it's night time. Surface action on the ocean may calm down a little, but most night divers will tell you currents are just as strong if not stronger at night.

Calming down your tank at night is a myth. Marine animals don't go to bed like us humans. In fact many corals feed at night, therefore you would want more current to bring them nutrition.
why would you want a night mode? The ocean doesn't calm down just because it's night. The moon is still rotating around the earth creating tides. Weather doesnt care if it's night time. Surface action on the ocean may calm down a little, but most night divers will tell you currents are just as strong if not stronger at night.

Calming down your tank at night is a myth. Marine animals don't go to bed like us humans. In fact many corals feed at night, therefore you would want more current to bring them nutrition.

You say it has a reverse mode? I thought it wasnt gonna have one. Just to clarify the paddle wheel spins the other direction?

Thats good news for what I was thinking of using it for.
Not trying to be weird or anything man, this is something I'm pretty interested in getting. I'd love to see one running in a tank in person. How would you feel about me popping in to check it real quick? I only ask because you're in Largo too, unless there are any stores in the area that have them running.
There is one on the used equipment board already the guy didn't like it he is only asking 250.00
I love mine. I will try and get a video shot soon but if u do a you tube search there r plenty of videos out there on these
I'm likely going to pull the trigger on one tomorrow! I've been waiting since INTERZOO like most of us. Excluding return pumps, is everyone running just the gyre? Or additional powerheads as well? Im curious how well it will suspend detritus off a bare bottom. My guess is it will do it well, but nice to hear some feedback.
Not trying to be weird or anything man, this is something I'm pretty interested in getting. I'd love to see one running in a tank in person. How would you feel about me popping in to check it real quick? I only ask because you're in Largo too, unless there are any stores in the area that have them running.

CrazyEyes unfortunaly is not on my house I installed at the restaurant Tank so yes you can stop by and check it out but it has to be after 10:30pm
You say it has a reverse mode? I thought it wasnt gonna have one. Just to clarify the paddle wheel spins the other direction?

Thats good news for what I was thinking of using it for.

yes it does has a reverse mode and the good thing about it is that you can set the reverse mode at a different %
Why would you want a night mode? The ocean doesn't calm down just because it's night. The moon is still rotating around the Earth creating tides. Weather doesnt care if it's night time. Surface action on the ocean may calm down a little, but most night divers will tell you currents are just as strong if not stronger at night.

Calming down your tank at night is a myth. Marine animals don't go to bed like us humans. In fact many corals feed at night, therefore you would want more current to bring them nutrition.

Night mode or auto slow flow = PE extention
I'm likely going to pull the trigger on one tomorrow! I've been waiting since INTERZOO like most of us. Excluding return pumps, is everyone running just the gyre? Or additional powerheads as well? Im curious how well it will suspend detritus off a bare bottom. My guess is it will do it well, but nice to hear some feedback.

Its the only power head running on a bare bottom tank and its doing well to suspend
I currently have one running on my 100G half-cylinder. Its on pulse mode (Dang near as slow pulse as I could get it), at about 50% power.

I like it so much I took out both 1" Sea Swirls running on my Reeflo Dart Hybrid (Plus the pump too), and added a new submersible pump (Eheim 1262).

I have a terrible video showing the powerhead in action. I had just done some work on it and had debris suspended, so you could see the flow pattern.
Night mode or auto slow flow = PE extention

Anecdotal. This myth likely started as coincidence and our interpretation of night time. We associate calmness with night and at the same time observe spectacular polyp extension at night. And boom a myth is born. Polyp extension is a feeding response, typically triggered by light or the lack thereof. Most reef building corals don't extend their polyps during the day as a means of protection from predators. At night is when they do most of their feeding and skeletal building.

"The nightly migration of plankton also explains why most stony corals mainly expand their polyps at night, as more prey can be caught during this time. This strategy also protects the polyps against predation from fish and other animals during the day." -

"In the wild, corals seem to feed more actively at night rather than during the day. As the sun sets and the reef becomes darker, plankton rises from the reef, providing a food rich environment for the polyps." -

Edit: I'll add that we probably observe more polyp extension during the day in our aquariums because for most of us our tanks are nutrient poor and lack the abundant zooplankton that is present on natural reefs. Also, our lighting can never replace the sun. Consequently, our corals are hungry and always looking for a meal, whether it be a pod or photosynthesis.
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