Gosh, I'm really bad at posting updates. I've made the "final" changes to my rock scape and I'm very happy with how it looks (so far...). :0) Since setting up the 300 I have only removed rock (none added). Having the extra open space has resulted in the fish being more active, swimming throughout the entire tank more, and generally looking happier.

Oblique angle, with blue filter

no filter, the left side is actually different now and has fewer rocks near the overflow. I'll have to get another pic to show more detail.
I've mounted and remounted corals that previously were in a limbo-type situation. I had a few "coral smears" that began to branch so those are being placed and are growing nicely. It's like getting a free coral! I have about 3 more species I'd like to add and then I'll be done adding corals... but I'm in no rush to get them. I'm more excited about the fish at this point.
Speaking of fish, the Lt and naso tangs are doing very well. Getting bigger and fatter.
AND, I picked up a gorgeous pyroferus tang last week from the LFS (no pic yet). I've wanted one for a long time so it's exciting to have one. He's about 4" and already developing points on the caudal fin. He's on tank 3/4 in the TTM process so it'll be about a month before he gets to the DT. He'll be a bit large than the other tangs so I'm not too worried about aggression coming his way. I'll test it out but I have a feeling the pyroferus will be the most aggressive of the tangs (though the Lt may "win" out). I'm amazed at how this fish goes for food. It's quite encouraging.
Still want to add a few more fish, but have decided to "X" a few of those listed above (e.g., spotted toby). I think the pyroferus will be the last tang, at least for a while. In a few months I'll likely get the juvenile blue face and annularis angels. I first want to ensure that all coral colonies are large enough to withstand a little nipping here and there as it's bound to happen. Then I'll look for a trigger and puffer for the pond/tub. They'll be my little dogs. :0)
Otherwise, not a ton has changed. The calcium reactor is fully operational and I'm VERY happy with the regulator from CO2art in the UK. I did get a coral banded shrimp but it never comes out. It has molted 3-4 times so it's much bigger. Maybe it'll be more social when full size. I also added an emerald crab and it's so fun to see that guy out and about. I have always like those.
I'm strongly considering upgrading my Apex Jr to a full apex. Just don't think the Jr has sufficient memory to handle much actual control. Mine has been quirky and a friend had similar issues. I don't ask it to do much but it seems to be near capacity with 2x VDM, PM1, EB8, pH probe, 2 temp probes. That doesn't seem like much at all, especially when I see what others are doing with a FULL APEX system. The full seems MUCH more robust so the change is almost certainly coming. I'd love to hear any thoughts on this. Anyone see this with their Jr past or present?