Measurement Data


New member
I have updated my ProfiLux II to version and after doing so I am finding that the CLEAR ALL is no longer working as in the past. In previous versions you ran READ & SAVE to save your data and afterward you ran CLEAR ALL to begin a new cycle of data savings> This does not seem to work as in the past. Now after using the READ & SAVE the CLEAR ALL button is not active and cannot be used until there is new data added however if you run CLEAR ALL before you run READ & SAVE you will loose all of the currently unsaved data. Therefore the data cannot be cleared to start collecting for a new cycle or month.
I've noticed that, too.
If you wait a few minutes and restart the software, it will become active and you can clear it. It is however a bug.
hmm I tought it was over writing over the data and that you did not have to clear the data anymore....
Just keep saving and you'll have a running log of data in a file you can upload, to e.g. Excel, and maintain your data. Makes sense. So all you save or write to file is new data. I get it.
You know that being a BEAN Counter everything has to balance. I just can not bring myself to loosing even 1 set of readings. I keep them in separate files by month. You can not have a single reading from April in the May file or the whole system is corrupted.

Oh well I was just concerned that it was something I might of done during my upgrade to Ver

Thanks for the replies.
Can one run/have installed different versions of Profilux control?
It used to work in version 3.x.

If one can,... then you can use the older profilux control 4 to clear your data.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12629218#post12629218 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Matthias Gross
It works absolutely correctly in 4.xx!

I explained this detailled in another thread.

Can you give me a link to the thread mentioned above.

Tom R
you are right, it was not easy to find

this was it:
This is not an "issue", actually it works exactly as it was planned.

You must differ between "stored data" and "new data".
ProfiLux will always store new samples. If more then 600 values are stored the oldest value will be overwritten.

When you load measurement data from ProfiLux to PC the loaded samples will be marked as "are read". In this way we avoid that the same data is loaded twice. If the measurement data was loaded you can't clear them, because they are already "cleared".

Where are the problems now?

Just load the data, append them to the old file - done. Everything else manages Profiux and ProfiLuxControl.

It is like bobox said. The old data will only be overwritten, the only interesting thing is which data is new since the last download of data.
Even if you press "clear" or you download the old data (same effect) will remain for statistics.