Media reactors for large systems

NH Fish

New member
What is everyone out there using for media reactors? I have a 300 gal system and most of the reactors seem small. Looking to run bio pellets, and gfo reactors.
I have two BRS jumbo reactors. One for Rox carbon and one for GFO. I modified the in takes and outflows to accommodate larger tubing and mounted the reactors to a wall over my work sink. The sump has two Eheim 2000 pumps each to a reactor. The best part is the maintance which is quick, BRS develops many of their products very well and with much hobbist input. My only complaint is the leak prone connections which were poorly designed, but it was very easy to add new connectors to the reactors which are built like tanks. Changing media is like changing a tire at the Indy 500! Quick-quick-quick!
I made two. Each hold a gallon of BRS bio pellets. One is in the sump, the other could go either way. 4.5 inches diameter and 4 ft tall each. I will post pics later. One is on a 350, the other is on a 1000 gal.