Medication recommendation needed


Angelfish Nerd
Premium Member
I also emailed this to you.

Please see this link and let me know what medication your livestock expert recommends. I am currently treating with prazipro and cupramine in a quarantine system. I am soaking food in garlic xtreme and selcon. The fish is eating still. I would like to get something on order today before 2 so it gets to me tomorrow. Thanks.
I posted a response in your other thread. I would suggest you get a cleaner wrasp. They love parasites and will eat that thing very fast.. If its ich, the copper treatment should eliminate it as well but the wrasp would be ideal. You could also remove the fish from the tank and carefully scape it off. If its just some sort of parasite, that should remedy it as well. If it were me, I would use a cleaner wrasp first and foremost as that is one of natures remedies for parasites in the ocean. Cleaner shrimp are also useful but not as effective.
I believe you mean cleaner wrasse. I do have one in the display, not in the QT, but considering the redness around the area suggests there maybe some infection. In that case, a cleaner wrasse will not help. But thanks for the effort.
I believe you mean cleaner wrasse. I do have one in the display, not in the QT, but considering the redness around the area suggests there maybe some infection. In that case, a cleaner wrasse will not help. But thanks for the effort.

I always forget and spell it that way! If it is a parasite, I would think they can easily cause a red spot as as they bore into the fish. Your cleaner wrasse in your DT wasnt interested in it?
I know the pics are bad, but maybe knowing where to look will help.




I always forget and spell it that way! If it is a parasite, I would think they can easily cause a red spot as as they bore into the fish. Your cleaner wrasse in your DT wasnt interested in it?

I did not try the cleaner, i do not want to move him. It looks more fungal than parasitic to me.
I did not try the cleaner, i do not want to move him. It looks more fungal than parasitic to me.
I think those cleaners will eat anything but I do understand your concerns.. You might try getting one from an LFS and putting it in your QT tank to see if it helps. I dont think it could hurt a thing.
I agree with it most likely being fungal, and then an infection has set in due to it. Continued treatment with prazipro is most likely your best bet here, along with feedings of PE mysis soaked in plenty of selcon for every feeding.
I agree with it most likely being fungal, and then an infection has set in due to it. Continued treatment with prazipro is most likely your best bet here, along with feedings of PE mysis soaked in plenty of selcon for every feeding.

Cool, I did not know Prazipro treated fungal. Good to know. Thanks!
Prazipro won't actually treat fungal infections, however it will guard against any parasitic outbreaks that could occur since the fish could have a lowered immune system and more susceptible (sp?) at this time.
Oh, I see. So guard against real killers and let the fish fight off the infection on its own? He is eating better every day, and seems very comfortable with an occational scratch on a pc of pvc every now an then.