melting yuma


seeker of knowledge
Premium Member
I have read here several times where people had rics that looked like they were melting. I've got a rock I've had about a week with a larger yuma and a baby. The larger one began to shrink up and today looks like melted candle that you dip in water to solidify it.

Water paramaters are fine for salinity, ph, nitrates and nitrites. Slight amonia. The baby looks fine and and about 8 other rics, both yuma and florida all look fine, as well as other animals. This rock came from tank with T-5's and I have PC's in a 29g biocube.

As i said, I have seen this type thing posted before, but never read what experience has told people it might be or if there is anything that can be done.

Thanks for all input......
Most of the time, if R. yuma start looking like they are melting, they usually don't recover. It can take several weeks for one to actually completely melt away. Either way, they are Corallimorphians, so don't give up on them until they are completely gone. BTW, what are your water parameters exactly? Any detectable ammonia is probably too much, but what is your Alk, Ca, and Magnesium?
Magnesium 1300
Calcium 300
Alk 12 on API test kit

Any reason to move it to more protected or less light area?
here are pics of melty mom and her baby as well as another that was within 3 inches of these.... go figure.


Man that sucks, I would pretty much right that off as a goner....Your Ca is a bit low as well....As TLS said any ammonia that is detectable is not a good thing but it could also be from the rotting flesh of the yuma as well....I would try to remove the parent that is melting and keep an eye on the baby and maybe move it to a bit lower light with some moderate flow.
Magnesium 1300
Calcium 300
Alk 12 on API test kit
Double check to make sure that you're test kits are in-synch with others by having some local COMAS members around you use their kits if they don't mind. The Calcium is far too low, and the Alk is a little on the high side. The Alk could easily spike with Calcium that low. The magnesium is a hair low, but not enough to be a concern. I would do a hefty water change and see what that puts your new parameters at. If it doesn't bump up the Calcium close to 380, I would start looking in to fixing it with Two-Part solutions. While it isn't much of a trouble right now, you're tank is treading on thin ice with the imbalanced Alk/Calcium. Please read here for more information: Also, the baby beside the one that is melting away looks a little stressed and bleached out, so it could take a while for it to recover. Good luck. They're beauties.
Thanks again Travis, Always a helpful thought and a link. You've been a great help these months.