Members Tanks

As promised I said I would start a thread where any members could post their tanks. Since as of now there are only two of us i will start. Here is my setup.
I have 2 Mr. Aqua 12gal longs. I built external overflows and cut out a slot out of the back. I plumbed them to a 10 gal sump inside my stand. As of now I have t5s over them. Unfortunatley one is a current and one is a cheapy odessy. I haven't decided exactly what I want for the lighting and is why it hasn't changed yet. I think just buying a new current t5 to match and some ecoxotic LEDS for supplement or make my own fixture and part out the fixtures?
I don't have much for space so the only other upgrade I've thought of is maybe a reactor for probiotics.
Pics are a little old and I have had good growth in the first tank and the second tank is temporary holding a butt load of frags until the algea bloom in my new frag tanks dies down.
So here are the pics.

Tanks together

1st tank is for mostly softies & LPS

Second tank will be more for SPS.

I guess HTML coding from Photobucket doesn't work anymore. I have attached the pic.

Hey all,

Here is my tank, not too much to look at just a FOWLR. 90 Gal display with 30 gal sump/ref. Half the LR is real rock and the other half was made out of foam a couple months ago however it is starting to get a nice coraline growing on it. Most of the hair algae is gone now just a little left. The emerald crabs and algae blenny have been destroying it on sight. The tank runs with a bubble magnus skimmer Nac6 and a really nice LED light (32 bulbs 3 watts each half blue half white) I recently got a fighting conch for the tank to and I really enjoy watching it and it cleans the sand awesome but the damn thing eats all my snails lol Well here is my stock list and I know I will hear some criticism about it but thats ok I don't mind...

3 Pajama Cards
1 Yellow Damsel
1 purple fire fish
1 red fire fish
1 algae blenny
3 occellarius clowns
2 cleaner shrimp
1 fighting conch
12 emerald crab
15 blue hermits
3 chocolate chip starfish
1 henniochus(sp)
1 blue tang (I know tank is too small but it is temp, I took him from someone that had it in a 20 gal)
Oh and I have another type of large snail with a real shiny shell though I do not know what it is...

Let me know what you all think about the tank.


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HAHA that is funny, I don't know what is with photos on this tread :) I couldn't get HTML photos to run either. What do you think about the tank though?
Yea there is a sump about 30 gallons but I need to get some mangrove or cheato in it... I would like to eventually go full reef but I cant seem to get my water quality to stay stable :(
Well I love mangroves but for nutrient expot the cheato will be far better. Mangroves are slow growers. I would offer some to you but I think I may have contracted flatworms again. Flatworm exit is on the way but until I treat my tanks I wouldn't give anything away. I had ordered roughly 70 frags from several places and this is what I get for not using a quaratine. Lesson learned I have a small 10 gal for my new quaratine tank and since my frag tank is new I'm just going to drain the water and start over. Unfortunatley I can't do that for the tanks in the house. I've had them before and rid myself of them with flatworm exit so I know it works but I have to observe the tanks for a couplle months for signs of more.
I also have to get a better QT tank going. I have a 20 tall for it but I am not really sure how to set it up properly. I should also pick up a small 10 gallon to use as a hospital tank too but we will see.
yes I wouldn't mind coming over and helping out. I do have a crazy schedule because of my19creadit hours at NMSUA and my part time job. But We can meet up sometime.
What do you do when you crack your frag tank while drilling for a 2 inch bulkhead??
Start over!
I was drilling out for the bulkhead and as I broke through the bit went in at an angle and cracked. So I thought I'd try something. I removed the frame and took it completely apart. Took the pieces to the glass shop and had them cut it down. I reassembled the pieces and I now have a 48X18X8 tall frag tank. Awsome! It turned out great. I drilled for 3 1in bulkheads and a 1/2 bulkhead. These are for the overflow return and mini closed loop. It is plumbed and now wet.
I will post pics within a few days. My frag set up is now roughly 200gal. I have a 50 gal, my newly built tank, they are plumbed to a 150gal stock tank.

The 50gal has ecoxotic panoramas for lighting and will be mostly softies lps, the newly built tank, roughly 30gal, I will be testing The LEDs against a 250w MH and will be SPS.
The sump has a 3 48" T5HO over it. It has a few hundred pounds of live rock, lots of algea and a variety of livestock in it.
Few cardnials, pepermints, urchins, snails coweries, a gorgonian, and a butt load of xenia and anthelia.
It also has the large reef octopuss skimmer in it.

I have a few thing to tidy up this week and I need to start putting up the lighting on the new one.
Thats the low down and I'll get pics as soon as possible.

Ok here are the pics as promised.

Here are 2 in process shots


Here is the new one

Here is the 50

Still a few things to tidy up but you can see the setup and I will post more later as I progress.
An I need to get more frags for propagation:spin1:

Check out my new oceanic open air Tank!! Look how clear the glass and water is. WOW:)

I decided I didn't like the depth of the tank so I tore the 50gal apart to make another shallow frag tank. Glass is at the shop being cut. I'll build it tomorrow night. Becasue of the size I'm cutting I have quite a bit of glass left over so for fun I plan to build a nano cube with the left over glass.

More tomorrow.

I have heard you really like the shallow long tanks...I have always thought of doing on like 400 gallons touch tank later downt the road when I retire.
For coral propagation why waste water and energy on extra water. Keep it shallow simple and too the point. The deeper the water the more light is needed to penetrate the depths. SO less water less light. Lower electric bill!!!!!!
I also thought I'd display a pic of some tanks I purchased. They won't be setup for some time but thought they where the poop.



Check that link and see how much they cost new. I won't say how much I paid for them but no where near that. I got 3 as a package deal. Missing one hood and stand and one is still in the plastic wrapping. Thought these would be awsome for a seahorse, eel and or jelly tank.