Members Tanks

I moved this from the other thread.

Hello guys, Just got the new tank up and running. Here are a few pics. Sorry they are not the greatest quality, Cam takes bad pics in daylight. I added an overflow and drilled the back glass. There is 155Lbs of live rock in the display tank and 40 Lbs in the sump. I have a 40 watt LED on the sump and 2 108 watt T5 HO fixtures on the display tank. At the moment I an running about 350 GPH through the sump, im still waiting on the eheim pump. It will bump the flow up to around 750. If you guys have any ideas on how to improve my setup please PLEASE tell me. Thanks for looking.





Thank you for moving that to the right place Mitch. The overflow is completely silent. the only noise that I get is the cheap pump in the sump. It has a wicked growl. I wish that I would have taken a video of the build of this tank. Drilling the half inch glass was incredibly easy. I will be ordering an actual bulkhead as advised by Mitch. I will get lots of pics and video as I prep the new 490. It is made entirely of one inch acrilic and will be 40" tall 30" front to back and 96" long. I think I will be using a 125 for the sump but I may just purchase a factory made one. Anyways let me know what you guys think of the tank. Josh
Nice tank, Has a real clean look to it. Maybe you could post a few more details like filtration, livestock ect...
Are you local to alamogordo?
Nice tank, Has a real clean look to it. Maybe you could post a few more details like filtration, livestock ect...
Are you local to alamogordo?

No Im not local to Alamogorda. Idont even know where that is. LOL sorry.

As far as my tank goes others have said the same regarding how its clean looking. Im not sure what im doing special to have acheived this.

Here is what I have.
Fluval FX5 which Ill be selling and installing a sump.
Red Sea Prism Protein Skimmer - I hate it.

SNow Flake Eel - I may donate him back to the LFS
Lunare Wrasse
Mystery Wrasse
Coral Beauty
ANother Wrasse I just added and im trying to figure out what kind of wrasse it is. It was an unexpected, knee jerk purchase. Those never work out. LOL

I have 3 feather dusters.
Red Knob Star
Chocolate Chip Star
Bristle Star
2 urchins
Assorted Snails of various sizes

And a very cool Spotted Moon Crab.

I do brush the sides every week and rake (lightly) the substrate once a month.

Ive had the tank for over a year.

Ironically, I hve trouble growing coraline algae. I use purple up but maybe the snalls are consuming it. I dont know.

PS - There are some really amazing set ups on this site. You guys and gals really know what youre doing. :beer:
Looks like a nice and clean setup you have there.
Maybe you could post some specs.. Live stock, filtration.
Are you in Alamogordo?

We are southeast New Mexico. This is our club forum but you are welcome to post. You should also check the club forums there may be a local club near you. I couldn't check because you profile doesn't list a city.
We are southeast New Mexico. This is our club forum but you are welcome to post. You should also check the club forums there may be a local club near you. I couldn't check because you profile doesn't list a city.

Wow what a club. You guysmust be huge because you have a large presence on the net. Congrats on the success of the forum. I updated my profile. Im on Long Island, New York. Pretty far from NM. :thumbsup:
Mine is doing very well. I took a chance and added a Belted Wrasse. Hes eating up a storm. I hear they dont do well in captivity but I think this guy has a chance.
The 375 is for your next station correct? Have you made any equipment choices yet or still completely in planning phase right now?
The only thing that I have purchased so far is the "LR". I still need to get rid of the other tank to make room in my garage to store everything for the new tank. I have some ideas on what I want to pick up but we will see.
Ok well I got started on my new project today. 220 gallon in the wall with a small room behind it. I decided to add a whole addition on to the house. Im adding a 22' x18' room and the display tank will be visible from there. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated. I will post pics of the progress as I go. The first ones will be up tonight!
The best advice I could give you is to sit down with a piece of paper and draw a plan out. It is better to find out possible issues before you have it almost done. Do you already have the tank? Equipment?

You should start a new thread to document the process that way we won't have to go through the other posts to find it and it will keep the progress all together in one place.

And if you need any help let me know.

Spring semester is over and my finals are done so I'll have a little extra time this summer to get some projects done. I've been wanting to try my hand at building an acrylic sump to fit perfectly in my stand and I believe I have everything to get it done accept the gas to flame polish the finished item. Also I want to start a Amano style planted tank for the wifey.
Gonna try to finish my bike rebuild as well.