Memorial Day Free Professional Seminar with food and drink - How to Move a tank!

Memorial Day Free Professional Seminar with food and drink - How to Move a tank!

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Hey Nick,

Great reef moving class. and the bratts were good too. I think you put the rock with the bubble tip anemone on it back in the tank the wrong way. I could have sworn i saw your two Percs swimming upside down trying to come in for a landing in it.
good time everyone- thanks or the stuff nick - and remember me if you diceide to pull the rest of that sand out ;)

thanks to the people who helped me avoid spendign my entire evening on 95, i've forgotten your names already :(

To save myself writing an entire book here, heres the link to my thread with tank pics on RM:

hopefully i'll make it down to a meeting or something, you guys are actually closer to me than most of the philly people.

also: the xenia refugium is nuhtty's not embryoguys:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7459793#post7459793 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Safir

thanks to the people who helped me avoid spendign my entire evening on 95, i've forgotten your names already :(

no problem:D
Apparently my hermits heard about those blue's bad rep and quickly dispatched the frag off the rock it was on... I supect they knocked them down behind the anemone's rock where i'll never be able to retrieve them, but i can't see anythign back there. have to look tomorrow when the lights are on... hopefully your inhabitants are being more friendly this evening.

I also spotted what appeared to be baby shrimp in the bucket when i got home - were one of your cleaners pregnant not too long ago?
Thanks a TON! I really appreciate everyone coming by to help - I would probaly still be moving the tank if not for you guys :)

Kaptken - no worries, the clowns are safe and sound in their anemone - right-side up :D Glad you liked the Brats :thumbsup:

Safir - big thanks for making the long trip down here - I totally forgot that you wanted some live sand - I'll definately let you know when I'm coming up to Frazer (should be near future - like as soon as I get paid :rolleyes: ). The baby shrimp is a mysis shrimp - my tank is loaded with them, so soon yours will be too :D they're great scavengers and tastey snacks for your fish. BTW - That tank that we moved is actually nuhtty's old tank :) - the stand and tank were his before they were mine.

The only thing that worries me a bit is that the pH was pretty low :( 7.6 - possibly from stirring-up the sandbed, but I don't have much sand :rolleyes:

- I'm thinking it might have been the extra water I had made-up - either b/c it wasn't completely RO/DI water (maybe it was a little on the acidic side) or that the 3 Tbs of rowaphos that I put in the can to remove any phosphates could have really dropped the pH - I'm going to stop by this afternoon to check the water still in the garbage can to see what the pH is - and then buffer the tank a bit if it hasn't already started to do so on it's own from my Kalk drip.

It really was fun to have everyone over - if you guys want to do another Reef-Bar B Cue, just let me know - we should have the horseshoe pits ready by then - and maybe a volleyball net too - and of course there will be some beer pong :)
I had a "what are you doing" moment when you threw that bucket out in the back yard, but figured you had a plan....

how long had the bubbler been running in the garbage can? it is my understanding that it will go down as the water stagnates, and goes back up during the process of oxgen exchange...

my hermits consider themselves master aquascapers... they threw the blue zoos back behind the anemone's rock somewhere where i can't see it, and that green thing off to the side... the green ill reposition in teh sandbed somewhere so the'll leave it alone, but im not digging for the zoos unless i can see them... the anemone (condy) is 8-10" in diameter and is up on top-rear of the rockwork - i don't go antywher enear that area with my hands heh... hopefully they're right side up and i'll see them growing across those rocks in a few months - there is a fir amount of flow and light back there still.
why I don't want to dig around behind ht erockwork on this side of the tank:

and since we were discussing the "Birdlady xenia"

the big clump on the bottom right corner is all slumped over today, usuall it all stands up and is open wide like in the picture - any guesses?

MTM - if only you had a cheap two-part 'eh? *doh*
I've still got the ingredients set aside for you, if you make it up this way or i make it down there.

BTW - you got to get us some pictures once you get things re-aquascaped :)
Nice tank safir. its looking like a reef tank to me. good to meet you at the move.

hey MTM, did you put a couple clip on fans on the tank yet? ive been using two per 75 gallon tank system since the heat pump gave out. the house is hot, like up to 84 and humid, but the tanks stay cool below 79-80 even with the lights on all day. overnight with one fan runnng per tank they cool down to 76-77. good range.
The concrete pad in that back room is really helping out with the summer heat - the tank is gettig to a maximum of 82F.

I have not even installed the exhaust fan that I had running at the old place - where the tank was approaching 83.5 daily :eek1:

I'm re-considering putting an AC unit back there, I think I will opt instead for a temperature-controlled window fan - that should circulate the air in the small room and get it to gradually cool using the pad as a type of "heat pump" - well, hopefully :)
thats good. the concrete slab is still cool and the ground too since this is the first warm week we have had. but it will warm up thru summer. hmmm. ive got all the windows open today with box fans blowing in 86 air. and humid, and the big tanks are up to 80.6 and 81. not much evap today. might be a week or two until i shop around for the new ac unit and have one installed. hope it stays cool. or at least dry. i hate humidity.
nano - no worries man, what you should be sorry for is not snagging your frag of those baby blue zoo's from florida from me yet - they're sweet ;)
Holy new growth batman -



the green/yellow one was just a tiny speck when you gave it to me MTM - at least tripled it's size sine the BBQ, and the polyps on the other rock are turning redish and look real happy :)

also saw a big 'ol bristleworm living in that rock :)
:D glad you liked the frags - the green leather grows like a champ - so does the Blasto (originally from ECA)

I've got some worms in my rock :lol: I found a fireworm on another piece of rock when setting up the aquascape in the tank - I had it out of water and it started crawling out - big guy - about 5" long, and all read - no purple like a bristleworm.
Nick, glad to hear everything went smoothly, sorry I couldn't make it I had to work. You should Definately post some pics of the new setup.

Any chance you or anyone is interested in ordering from fraggle reef in the near future? Hows the Dendro doing by the way?


On a side note, have you ever tried to build a tank? I was thinking about building one this summer and I know you are ambitious in the do it yourself category.
I'm dieing to get a picture, but I'm holding right now until I can swap one of my rocks (with the Green bubble-tip anemone) with a few rocks in my GF's tank.

I picked up a Rose Anemone w/ Green tips last week (thanks to Mongoose :D ), and I'm really excited as it's expanding every day - it's looking about 8" across now that it's gotten used to the tank :D