Metal Halide HQI vs Mogul, which one burns hotter?


Wrasse aficionado
Okay, now I am thoroughly confused. I was just about ready to buy an Icecap retro kit 250 watt with a regular mogul base. However, while speaking to a friend he mentioned that the HQI's in his opinion burned cooler and the bulbs put out less heat than a regular mogul base. However the sales person at DIYReefs stated that it was the other way around. They also mentioned that you counldnt use an HQI bulb without using a glass top on the aquarium.

Anybody have any thoughts or experience on this matter???

it doesnt matter WHAT it is, heat is produced at the same amt equated in the watts it produces. so if both a single ended and double ended produce the SAME exact watts, they will produce an equal amt of heat. its just more noticible because DE is a smaller bulb and more concentrated.

anyhow hths.
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I have a 2x250w SE bulbs with a sunlight supply ballast just a few inches off the waters surface and with fans I keep my temp stable at 78 degrees F.

The bad thing about double ended is that you must use a peice of uv glass since the bulb doesn't have that on it like a SE bulb. This takes away about 10%ish of the bulbs output.

I am a fan of single ended and galaxy sunlight supply ballasts so I would go in that direction.

Sunlight supply is local and has a 5 year warrenty.

I think I got this right, but if i'm wrong someone please correct me.

I believe that hqi's actually produce more watts than a se bulb. i know my hqi ballast say 290 watts on them. I believe in return that this will overdrive the bulb, which will produce more light.

I've got 2 aqua medic 250 hqi's over my 75 gal. tank and 1 over my fragtank.(30 breeder) I love them!!! All I gotta get is vho actinics and my lighting will be set!
I personalle like the SE bulbs....everyone know a little water will splash from time to time.....SE bulbs are durable.....and wont "pop" as easily as I correct?
i by the way am the one that told him SE run hotter than DE. actually i may has not said it correctly, BUT the heat from my experience is contained better in the DE pendant than with a SE bulb, i have put my hand inches away from both (i know...not a very scientific method..) and the heat i feel coming off the SE bulb is way more intense, almost intolerable as opposed to DE. if i had to do it all over again i would go with DE. from what i can tell the HQI pendants are made to work somewhat as a heat sink and absorb some of the heat from the bulb and NOT radiate it toward the water

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11783285#post11783285 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by newreefbishop
I personalle like the SE bulbs....everyone know a little water will splash from time to time.....SE bulbs are durable.....and wont "pop" as easily as I correct?

also the glass can be vigorously cleaned on DE (HQI) pendant without causing any damage to the bulb. as for popping bulbs i don't have any first or second hand experience with that

i told Eric to ask and get your opinions as i did not have any scientific data or facts to back up what i told him only my experience and what little info i picked up from others

Eric it was nice to see you today, quite a coincidence you called me when i was that close. i hope all goes well and if there is anything else i can help you with or confuse/complicate you more about something don't hesitate to call :D

Hmmm lots of confusion going on around here.

First, with DE bulbs, you do not have to have a glass top on your tank, only a glass UV protectant shield at the bottom of your reflector.

Second, keith mentioned that his ballast said 290w even though it is a 250w MH. The thing is that you need either an electronic or HQI magnetic ballast to fire DE bulbs, and because of the nature of the HQI bulb, you need more wattage running through it than a standard magnetic ballast gives. Hence, HQI ballasts tend to over-drive the HQI bulbs, but they're usually built to take that into account. So HQI ballasts output more than 250w more often than not, and while that creates more light (it's overdriving the bulb), it also shortens the life of the bulb, and probably puts out more heat.

You can run a SE bulb on HQI or electronic with no problems, but it's the same deal with overdriving the bulb, shortening the life of it, and putting out more heat.

Electronic ballasts tend to put out less wattage than the HQI ballasts, because they've got circuitry that allows them to fire large wattage to get the bulb burning, and then they can lower the wattage as the bulb warms up, therefore not using as much power over the rest of the burn, extending the life of the bulb, not overdriving it by as much, and putting out less heat.

Now, one thing that I've realized after doing much research into it and talking to people online, is that if you're using quality reflectors, it's better to get a DE setup, as the glass protects the reflector and bulb in one shot. With a SE setup, if you want to put glass over the reflector to keep it clean, you're hit with the light subtraction from the glass envelope on the SE bulb, and then hit again with the light subtraction from the reflector's protector shield. So if you go DE, you only need one protection layer reducing light, not two.

I run a Coralvue 250w electronic ballast and an IceCap 250w electronic ballast, and I know the coralvues drive the bulb harder than the Icecap, as the light is brighter on that side, using identical bulbs, identical reflectors.

Someone mentioned that the bulbs will burn out faster (and I did as well). MH bulbs do eventually burn out, but they'll burn out LOOOONG past their useful life. That means that they will not be useful to you when they near the end of their life. So you should not wait to replace your bulbs by when they burn out.

The thing is that the color spectrum changes over the life of the bulb. In a 20k bulb for example, the color goes from bluer (20k) look to a 18k to 16k, and probably ends around a 14k look if you drive it long enough. The light intensity itself does not diminish much after the first 3 months though. The first 3 months they drop off about 20% or something to that effect, and then after that it's only like 3-6% per year drop-off of intensity. But during that time the color also shifts to the less-blue color (more to the red/yellow spectrum).

Anyway hope that makes sense, hope it helps, and if there are any more questions that I can help with i'm happy to help out :)
So ideally how long do you let your MH bulbs burn for? 10 months?? 1 year??? Considering your using an HQI bulb vs the SE?
I'd go 2 years, but I don't mind the spectrum shift since I run heavy actinic anyway. I've used bulbs for 1.5 years as it is with no problems.

I use SE bulbs. The type of bulb makes no difference to me since I'm running them on electronic anyway, and the electronic runs them more efficiently than either HQI magnetic or regular magnetic, DE or SE.

It's suggested every year to replace. Some people replace them after 90 days because of that initial intensity (PAR) dropoff, and then sell them as 90 days used on the RC forums for less money. That's when I bought my 10k XMs from someone. But it's up to you.