Metallic Orange Mushrooms


New member
I just found these guys, I have never seen any mushroom with this color. I fraged some of the musrooms, here are some pics of the ones I didnt frag, they are the youngest thus they are the smallest, the ones I fraged were the size of a silver dollar. Hoping that they are ready for the frag swap but I dont know if they will be attached by then or not. Let me know if anybody is interested in trading. These pictures do them no justice they are really bright.


in comparison to my orange ric
closest pic I could get without it being blurry and my dam emerald crab got in the way

bottom left corner of the tank, just for comparison

I know they look red in the pics, but they are not, they truely are metallic orange, you are welcome to pass by and see them. Right now I should have about 8 frags, if anybody wants more I can frag the rest but they wont be ready for the swap.
Nice shrooms. I just saw those a week or so ago at Coral Reef Farm. They are almost like "radioactive". They also have some very nice blue and green ones that are very impressive aswell.
