Acropora Gardener
Weird, huh? Just purple and blue has a whole special look of its own. It may be a coincidence but the corals are developing new color at a very rapid rate. I'm taking lots of pictures so I can hopefully demonstrate it.
Hi mate,
This combination is well known and has been promoted quite a long time ago by TropTrea in the mother of all T5-related threads. Furthermore, Pacific Sun recently made a similar recommendation based on their own brand of tubes for good pigmentation of corals, i.e. 2 X Pigment INT and 4 X Crystal Blue. Although purple + and Pigment INT are not the same tubes they are fairly similar. Pacific Sun emphasised in the same thread that this combination was likely to slow down coral growth.
It will be interesting to see how your corals' growth will be affected, and whether or not you will concur with Pacific Sun's prediction on coral growth. As for me, growth and coloration are like the two sides of a coin. One without the other does not go down well with me. In this context, for me the blue + and coral + combination has been the best compromise so far for both coloration and growth.