Mhucasey's SPS obsession

This is the Green acro that was removed from a place of honor for the rehabbing table acro. Its a green granulosa with purplish red tips:

Its living on the sand for now, but Buddy has offered to eat it for me:
I've been following your thread. Amazing tank. Beautiful corals and dogs. One of my dogs is a mixed wiener dog. Keep the updates coming please.....
Tank is looking great man. The Green Acro looks really nice (because it has red polyps...Dont tell Biggles I said a green acro is nice :lol:).

Buddy looks cute. :) Love the expression on the face. :D
Thanks Sahin:)
Up close that Granulosa is a lot prettier for sure, when it is seen from a little ways away all you see is green though. On the bottom it looks lighter too, it turned a very solid army green up in the higher light. I'll probably end up paring down the green Acros then get sick of blue next:). Buddy is awesomesauce! So much personality in a little package!
I'm not a member of that forum. I've looked there from time to time but I already spend too much time here to extend to that one. I joined reefcentral a long time ago(2001)
Thanks! All my pictures are taken with an iPhone 6, in standard picture mode(Not HDR). I then use post processing software to reduce the extra blue. I use "Auto Level" in the software then raise the blue level until the picture matches what i see with the eye, then reduce saturation a bit if its still too strong in some of the colors.

I have an even better way to do this now, with my change to the light fixture I can turn all the blue bulbs off and leave 3 white and a purple on. The pictures come out under this white mix looking the same as the tank looks to my eye with all the lights on. Then I don't need to remove any extra blue.

Those are great pic from a iphone6 . I can't seem to take good shots like yours. I can't seem to focus correctly. Any tips?
I doing something wrong.
Thanks for the tip on lighting let's see if it works with led.
Thanks, I have to make do with the camera phone for now. I hope to get a camera sometime later this year but other things are ahead of it in the purchase queue. As for focus, I try to let the camera do it on its own and take several shots at once. Then I can pick through the batch to see what worked best. Forcing the camera to focus on a spot only works occasionally like I want. Luckily digital photos are free:)
Update: I finally removed the large growth of Hollywood stunner from the overflow. This was grown out from a small chip of brown coral that I picked up the first week of the tanks life. There is a bit of this same coral on the side for now. For a green coral its pretty nice looking and it grows well, but it is a really mean coral...the thing stings anything close to it and it can send out sweepers over 6 inches away. After prying it off the wall, i noticed that there was a whole ton of brittle stars living behind it:

I got around 6 or so of these about two years ago from IPSF, and they are everywhere in cracks, pumps, reactors, you name it.

I also moved the other frag of the blue table acro I am rehabbing to a high shelf in the tank. this one is looking really good as well, considering when I got it the flesh was peeling off in a hurry:

After getting a bit pale, the pink millie is looking pretty good, although there is very little PE at this time. It seems to be forming growth tips here and there:
Love your thread. Found you on another post you just did.

Beautiful tank. Hope to get close to yours someday.

As a SPS newbie, I'll be looking over your information for ideas/tips.
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Great corals my friend!
Can't wait to see that blue table acro grow big,it looks promising!
Love buddy's pic too,what a face:)
I'm excited about the table coral too! There is a touch of green in it but its light and fluorescent, hopefully it doesn't turn green. Either way my favorite growth form for Acros is tabling so it will be very cool if it keeps progressing. Buddy and all the dogs really can give me a face that makes me want to give them whatever they want!:p
Update -
I've continued to do some rearranging in the tank, I'm trying to think about what corals will come with in the event of an upgrade and in the meantime opening up more flow around the reef. For a while I had a couple of spots I was just letting "run wild" and the corals grew all together into a mess.

In the top left side of the reef, I liberated a Pectinia coral I had almost forgotten that I had and cleared out/separated a bunch of orange Montipora Cap and Orange Montipora Digitata that were a bit of a mess. I moved the Digitata back and glued it to the overflow. Much better flow up there.
Here is a full tank shot from today:

On the far right I added back a modded Tunze Nanostream pointed toward the side glass, directed forward. I set the voltage to 12 volts and programmed it to switch on/off at 50% output 3 minutes at a time. It helps stir up the far right side under the Gyre. There was plenty of flow everywhere on the reef but this little bit extra has almost completely eliminated the last little patches of cyano that would form on the sand up next to a few rocks.
And from a little different angle:

I moved the Pectinia to the display refugia; I've been kind of neglecting this lately. I did get a Magnifica Nem for my sissy Fireclown and it is doing really well:



He couldn't be happier:)
Today I took a little drive down to the big acropora store down in San Diego, about a 40 minute drive each way. This place is massive and they have an amazing selection of across, but today there were more than I have ever seen.
I have a hard time resisting the urge to empty the bank account whenever i go there:








I would be living off of ramen noodles if I had that selection in my back yard ;). Love your tank, good work. Also nice magnifica.
Wow. This is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for the compliment!

I would be living off of ramen noodles if I had that selection in my back yard . Love your tank, good work. Also nice magnifica.

Its very hard to restrain myself, and several times I didn't. The really nice thing about the store is that if i have a specific coral in mind they almost always have it, other than deepwater acros- they have some of those but not as good a selection as the others.

I love the Magnifica, though it will always be a Ritteri in my heart;)

Oh there's more acros coming in today lol..Will always got some nice stuff

I feel bad for whoever has to post the coral pictures to the web - 500 freaking pictures per week. I have to decide on a coral before I go down there or I end up with too many:crazy1:
Ok so a bit of a bummer today, I was getting ready for work this morning and checked the tank to find the the pink mille was RTNing. No sign of issues with anything else, and the one branch of the same coral I fragged off the main colony on day one is still alive. Perhaps I hit it with too much light, or maybe it wasn't good from the start- It never had more than the tiniest bit of PE in the tank.

Here is what is strange: That spot has claimed more acros than any other spot in the tank, bar none. I have had multiple acros STN right there:

I have tried different flow patterns with the thought that it was a dead spot but it consistently seems to be dangerous for SPS. The water is moving there but its more laminar then on the left side.

I had a blueberry millie there for over a month and a half about 2 or 3 months ago that also RTNd. Its very weird and it makes me want to get into a bigger tank or re-do this one to get even more flow through the reef.
Sorry to hear about the milli. I wonder if some kind of pest lives near there?

I dread hearing about reefkeepers better than me having random issues ... I'm doomed. :)