Midas Blenny--A WARNING


New member
I love Midas Blennies. The way the swim, their coloration, their personality. Sometimes the larger ones can be a little aggressive (I had an experience with that) but otherwise I think they are a great fish.

Well, last night I went to wash my tight-fitting glass lids. I then let them dry out overnight.
The next morning, I woke up to a dead fish on my floor...

I never even knew they were jumpers. None of the multiple resources I had read before purchasing him had mentioned it.
(It was the wrasse and the firefish which were the reasons I had the lids, along with less time between refilling the ATO. I don't have either the wrasse or the firefish anymore.)

I now know what the splash that occurred every few nights was. And I am sad that I will never be woken up by it again. :sad2:
I've had two jump - both times a mesh cover. They found the tiny opening in the front. Sorry about that. Get another one!
I had mine jump twice before putting my cover on. Looking back at the camera, it was on the carpet for 15 minutes till my wife noticed the dog paying attention to something on the floor.
I never even imagined it was such a frequent thing that happened. I guess I thought that on every Midas blenny care guide I would see that he needed a tight fitting lid.

I will definitely get another. Maybe I'll change my maintenance habits for my lids.
I forgot to add that it survived after being out of the water for 15 minutes. Looking back, it was the sudden turning off of the lights that spooked it several times.
Yeah, mine was dry meat when I found him! On the bright side......I didn't used to see my Royal Gramma all too often and now he is out and about. I will still miss his pink hue and electric blue eyes.