Mike's 150g SC Aquarium Build

what are the Orange Zoa's called or are they just Orange Zoa's? All this named stuff kills me.

I totally agree that the names do get ridiculous. Up until about 3-4 years ago names were great cause you could understand the lineage and have an idea as to what colors you can expect from frags.

These Zoas came from the all Powerful Mr. Chung, I've noticed this strand of orange zoa is extremely bright compared to your traditional BamBams. So they were dubbed Chungs WamBams by the former Puppy Center of Weat Hartford (i believe).

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How is the BK 200 working for you? I have the same tank and they recommended the 180. Said the 200 would be too big and have to skim wet. Looks like it's been working for you. Thoughts? TY.

This thing is a monster, it suits my feeding style, feeding heavy and once it's dialed in it skims gunk. Not watery tea...I'll show a picture of the sump and you can see the darkness!!!

Also, gives me room to upgrade/expand in the future.


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Thanks. I was just going by what slief said concerning bioload. It seems you have a lighter bioload and it is working great for you. I think I will purchase one this week instead of waiting for a bk180. Been 6 weeks and they are still saying 4 more. Tired of waiting. Lol.
Frag racks are full waiting on new rock to cure before anything gets placed. Also picked up new bulbs.




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