Minimum Flow Through Sump?


Active member
I'm trying to get a general idea of what kind of flow you big tankers are running through your sumps and why you chose the flow you did.

Planning a 300 upgrade and was thinking 1000-1200gph through the sump.
You don’t need much.

Some of the European setup use less then 1X tank volume per hour.

Personally, I like the idea of plumbing your overflow directly to a recirculating skimmer first. Then just adjust your return pump with a ball valve until your skimmer is perfectly dialled in.
Depends on what you are doing in the sump, faster the flow the more contact your skimmer will have with the nutrients its exporting. 2x-5x is a pretty good number, but when you have a really large tank turning over that kind of flow gets a lot harder and will reduce the efficiency of the nutrient export.