Minor tank tear down


New member
I have decided to start over fresh with my 29 gal. That said, if anyone is interested in a condy anenome, a lunare wrasse, or a snowflake eel (Jon, maybe?) let me know. I also have about five pieces (maybe 25 lbs)of live rock that have to go. Unfortunately they are 'live' with hair algae. But in someone else's phosphate free tank, it may go away. Let me know if anyones interested.

Whatever I can't unload will go to lfs.


I will have my tank filled tomorrow. I came on to message you. I never got the parts I needed from Florida and had to have someone else make them. I would like to look at your LR, you don't have a camera though do you?
Re: Minor tank tear down

Unfortunately they are 'live' with hair algae. But in someone else's phosphate free tank, it may go away.

A manicure brush makes short work of hair algae encrusted live rock.

Stick it in a 5g bucket of SW and scrub it like crazy. A few vigorous dunks and its back to new!

Good to hear, when do you think you'll be ready for the eel?


If you want the wrasse, he's all yours. I wouldn't trust him with corals, though.

The rock could probably be scrubbed, I kind of resigned myself to starting with some pretty raw rock, maybe some branching tonga.

That said, anyone interested- I'd take a couple of frags for it.

All goes well should be ready by next Sunday I believe. I got all the parts in, installed, and I'm waiting for the glue to set. I'll be able to fill it tomorrow if I can find the time to go get some H2O.(important detail, lol)
How large is your Condi Anemone? If he is small I would be interested. I dont have anything I can frag as of yet, but maybe we could work something else out.
would sunday march 3 be ok to pick the anemone up? around 2pm?
When I talk to Jon I will see if he wants me to bring that eel back.
I should be plenty ready for March 3rd. Message me or call me a day or so before to make sure. I plan to run the rest of the plumbing this weekend which should only take a couple of seconds. The water you gave me before is enough to fill everything essential. I won't be coming over today as I am in class till long after your at work.

LOL WOW! I have never had that one happen before. I had to dig back a while to find this old thread and while I was typing a message you must have been as well. Crazy timing.

I havn't heard from Al in the last week, so I am not sure if he forgot. PM me your number and address again just incase. I could hold the LR and the wrasse if needed, but don't have any light.