Misc Tank Pics


The tanks pics with the bright deco coral are no where near the looks of that anymore. Although all these pieces are still in there, you would not think it was the same tank. All of the "deco" dead coral became part of the live rock by majority vote from the tank's inhabitants. Some of the barnacles are still partially intact, but have been bored through and broken in pieces over time by all the critters. When these dead corals were used in the FO setup, they were bleached from time to time to maintain their appearance. Not only have most pieces been stacked with liverock on top of them, but they are also covered in coraline algae and all the other "stuff" that grows over time in reef tanks. So they eventually end up blending right in with the live rock. If I knew this would happen at the time I re-added them back to the tank, I would have left them out and placed them on a shelf or somewhere else in the house as part of the decor. Especially since they cost me a pretty penny back then and were more expensive when compared by weight to live rock.

As an example of what I was talking about in my last post... look at my second post of pictures above, where the first 3 shown are Anthias. The third picture is of a Sunburst Anthia who is always hanging out with his color coordinated friend, the sponge. In the background, is an encrusting gorgonian with pink polyps. This coral covers what use to be the blue "deco" coral shown on the far right side of my tank. You can't see the blue deco coral anymore because the encrusting gorgonian has overgrown on it and is covering about 85% of it.

Here's another pic of that blue deco coral that is now covered with the encrusting gorgonian... in this thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=800811
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6966242#post6966242 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by patharm
Great photos, lets see a good size full tank shot.


Sorry it took so long to post some full tank shots. Here ya go!

Right Angle 1999 - BEFORE

Right Angle 2006 - AFTER

Left Angle 1999 - BEFORE

Left Angle 2006 - AFTER

All the dead deco corals in the 'before' pics are still in there and in the original location. Some have been eaten through by critters and a few pieces broken from this. They look very different with the coraline growth, etc. I wish I had, but I didn't take any pics when the live rock was added around the decoration corals.
Here are some full tank pics. These were kind of hard to take because of the flash reflecting off the tank on the direct shots.

Full Tank - 1

This one was taken from higher up try to avoid the flash reflection and to try and show the rock work ...all the small holes throughout the rocks.

Full Tank - 2
There is a Tunze hiding below the maxi-jet in the pics of the right side of the tank. The maxi-jet is not plugged in. This is where the clowns lay their eggs.

I haven't transferred the maxi-jet PH out of there and replaced with another object yet. With the recent addition of smaller fish they stopped laying eggs for a while, but have started back up again and have layed two batches. I wanted to give them some time before I make the PH switch and am not quite sure yet what to replace it with. Some ppl use tile. I may try this route.
Here's a pic of the California Tort frag I was LUCKY to get while at our March club meeting at Rob's. Thanks Rob!! :D

California Tort

During the meeting Rob fragged a leather for everyone to watch. This is a piece of it that I got. It has very nice polyp extension.

Leather frag
While taking the full tanks shots earlier today I was able to get a close up of this guy. He is usually camera shy.

Sunburst Anthia
An ORA Tort frag that I picked up a few days ago. The pic didn't take too well. It has blue tips and blue polyps.

ORA Tort
As usual, just awesome stuff. Fukk tank shots and the camera are looking good. Very clean tank and pictures. I like all the anthias as well.
Thanks for the comments floridareefs!

What the pics don't show is the 9 1/2 years of scratches in the acrylic. It was set up in Oct of '96 as a fish only then reef in '99. I've always had a problem with diatoms on all sides on the tank and had to clean the acrylic every few days.

Now that I've been dosing the Prodibio products and running carbon 24/7 the water column is clearer and diatom blooms are seldom. The negative affect of the water being clearer is I think the scratches are now more pronounced than ever before when looking at the tank in person. I have the sanding kit, but have not given it a try. Plus every inch of the front and back panels have some sort of a scratch mark (kind of like the circular scratch patterns on a car's paint).
I guess running carbon 24/7 and prohibo is the ticket. I have never tried either. My tank seems pretty clear and never problematic--""crosses fingers" I think there are better ways. I want to go full t-5 setups now, but time will tell on those