missing piece on 6080 drive unit


Shimmer Addict
Hello Roger,
my 6080 failed today, when I took it apart I noticed it was missing this:

I believe they are referred to as the brakes?
Is this something that is covered under warranty?
Or is the fastest way just to order this part?
I don't have a spare pump, so expediency is of most importance.
What action would you recommend?
Thanks for your help.
The best is to order a 6080.600 drive unit as the brakes typically come out if the magnet is damaged, some cogs are molded on the upper white portion of the magnet and if they wear out the breaks fall out. Use on wave makers or sand entering the pump are common causes of early wear. How old is the pump?
Hi Roger,
These were purchased October of 2008.
They were not used on a wave timer and run continuously 24/7.
The cogs you are talking about on the upper white portion... are there supposed to be two of them? (at 12 and 6 o clock)
If these are the ones you speak of, they look to be in pretty good shape.
OK, why not PM me your address and I will send you some brakes. I will also send a bearing bush as this could also be the cause of the brakes coming loose.
hi Roger,
just wanted to tell you I received the replacement parts today and it's up and running again.
Thanks for the quick service!