Mission Impossible.... Tank pickup


One Happy Reefer
Mission not so Impossible.... 220 G Tank and Stand pickup for GeorgeG

Rule #1
empty your calendar
Rule #2
plan to leave early in the morning so that you can have daylight for the return trip
Rule #3
Eat a good breakfast
Rule #4
wear comfortable underwear
Rule #5
Try to have all supplies available BEFORE the tank pickup
Suction Handles
Rachet Style straps X 6
A big SUV or truck
tape measure
PBA card with Doctor written on it
more money
plenty of cup holders in the car

Started out in Queens at 11:15 AM
heading to Staten Island Richie picked up some supplies
stayed at Richie for about 20 mins
then headed to NJ ETA 12:25 (actual 1 PM)
Picked up a 44" tall X 72 X 24
2X4 woodframe stand HEAVY


MotorTrendz secures the stand up on the car

We measure the height of the car n stand at 8'6"

After about an hour we headed out to pick up the 220g tank at a store about 30 mins away

had to stop to secure the stand doors as they kept opening up and closing while driving.

Arrived at Reptile to Reefs, which had a very nice selection of corals, fish, tanks, and supplies. They are not only retailers but reef enthusiast as well. A+ from me.

Six big guys easily pickup up the tank and slid it into the car. The hatch door closed without problem.

ETA 6 pm
GPS want us to take the Lincoln Tunnel but with the stand on top of the car....Not.

Shadow of the car and stand of the setting sun behind us.

The Southern State Hwy has overpass of which the height of the sides varied. So we had to make sure the we drove in the center lane of the road. It became scary as the heights became lower and lower after each pass.
and finally 6'8"!!!

Made it to George's at 6 sharp, when shortly Jarrett Shark and Ozone Park Guy arrived to help bring the Tank and Stand into the house.

Mission accomplished! Anything for Reefing!:bounce3::bounce2::wave:
LOL Thanks, Doc for a wittier post than mine! With pics! Well done. Mission accomplished! LOL

nicely done fellas...went through the same thing last summer with my tank praying I fit through the over passes on the Hutch River....LOL
They mark those overpasses lower than they really are, but staying in the middle lane is a good idea ;)
I'm glad to see that it went well.