Mixing Saltwater IN THE TANK


Premium Member
Hey All you big tankers...

When filling your tank for the first time, are you mixing your saltwater in the tank itself or mixing it in a bunch of trash cans, getting it up to temp and pH and then putting it in the tank. Also, do you put your sandbed in first or after you have the water in your tank? Finally, do you aquascape a filled tank or an empty one?

Sorry for all the questions but with the big tanks, it can be a little tricky.

I first mixed the water then add to the tank once temp, ph and everything else is in check. as far as the sand, I add it once the tank is filled, by using a pvc pipe to avoid the cloud look you get if you just dump it. as far as aquascaping, I aquascape once the tank is full, or should I say 3/4 full as the rock will raise the level. I do this simply because a rock falling in water encounters resistance, with no water, there is no resistance so it will hit the bottom of your tank a lot harder which may crack your tank, and that will definately would not be recommended.
I would mix it outside of the tank, especially to make sure no undissolved particles are being added to the tank.

I usually lay the base rocks down while the tank is without water, and add the rest once the tank is partially filled. Keep in mind that if you add the rock before any water is added, the rock structure could shift once water is added.
I did mine in the tank. I didn't see why I needed to mix it seperately. I then added the rock a few days later. It doesn't matter either way as long as it is settled and the parameters are good.
I did mine in the tank, then added sand later. I added the sand using the 4" PVC as mentioned above but still got a sandstorm that lasted 2 weeks.

I didn't rinse my sand, and I used southdown.

I just finished mine. It took two days to fill the tank with water (after a leak test) then after I turned the pumps on I added the salt and let the tank mix it for me. I'm doing the aquascaping now while everything is running.
On my 600gal I am setting up I did my aquascaping first and right now I have RO in the display... Once I have finished setting up the sump and ref and everything is fully plumbed I will add the rest of the RO I need and then mix the salt in the sump... I will have close to 800gal of water volume once the system is complete so I will add a bucket of IO salt (160gal each) every few hrs after turning on the return pump and heaters... Once I get to the 4th bucket I will make sure the temp is at what I want it and measure my SG at that point and add the remaining salt as needed...
Thank you all for your feedback. It sounds like adding the salt to the RO/DI water that I put into the tank is the way to go. Then add the sand by way of a 4" pvc pipe, which I had not thought of before. Great idea.